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Reminder: Call for Proposals Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2014

The WILU Program Committee invites proposals to be considered for presentation at WILU 2014, to be held at Western University in London, Ontario from May 21-23, 2014. WILU originated at Western in 1972 and returns to the Forest City in 2014, inviting you to “E-magine the Possibilities.”

For a full description of session types, for the link to the WILU 2014 proposal submission form, and for information on our Student Award, please visit:  www.lib.uwo.ca/wilu2014

Potential presenters will be notified by February 14, 2014. All presenters are responsible for their own registration, travel and accommodation.

Questions? Please email one of the Program Committee co-chairs, Debbie Meert-Williston (dmeertwi@uwo.ca) or Nazi Torabi (ntorabi@uwo.ca).

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