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The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Fellowship – Children’s Librarianship

An extraordinary opportunity for an extraordinary new Children’s Librarian.

Harold W. McGraw Jr. was an active supporter of Darien Library with a personal commitment to education and a belief in the important role a child’s library experiences play in the beginning of life-long literacy. The McGraw family has funded the formation of a Children’s Librarian Fellowship at Darien Library to honor his memory, through a two-year full-salaried position for a recent Master in Library Science graduate who possesses:

  • Exemplary scholarship
  • A passion for working with children and for the development of literacy
  • Significant leadership promise
  • Strong personal qualities
  • A penchant for technology

Selection Process

The Fellowship will be open to LIS graduates from an accredited Library

School in the United States or Canada who will have received his or her diploma between December 1, 2013 and September 1, 2014.

Applications will be due March 31, 2014. After initial screening, interviews for finalists will be held at a mutually convenient time and place, and the finalist will be invited to visit Darien Library for a meeting with the Fellowship Committee prior to appointment.


The successful applicant will be employed at Darien Library for two years, commencing approximately July 1, 2014, with a final employment date of June 30, 2016.


The Fellow will be paid initially at the Connecticut Library Association

MLS minimum salary for entry-level positions (for 2013: $51,675) with full benefits, paid membership in CLA and ALA, and funding for attendance at the American Library Association Annual Meeting and other meetings as appropriate.

Position Parameters

The Fellow will work as a member of the Children’s Services team, providing reference and reader’s advisory services in addition to creating and conducting programs for children and families. The Fellow will be given specific, defined, high-stakes projects and responsibilities that will be determined by the candidate’s skills and interests. The Fellowship will provide experience, growth, and challenges in the following areas:

  • Children’s materials collection development
  • Program development, implementation, and evaluation
  • Outreach to defined areas of the community
  • Continuing education and professional development
  • Access to the latest technology

This Fellowship is an opportunity to work on significant projects and gain experience in close coordination with a strong staff.

More information about the Fellowship and application process is available

at darienlibrary.org/mcgrawfellowship.


Claire Moore

Head of Children’s Services

Darien Library

1441 Post Road

Darien, CT 06820


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