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Canadian Library Association Student Article Award (MLIS, Dual)

The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program (including distance education programs), or faculty of education library program. For more details, please see: http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Student_Article_Award&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12376

Graduate Research in a Day in Koerner Library February 19th (All Students)

Registration is now open for Discover, Gather, Create, Share – Graduate Research In A Day at the UBC Library Research Commons in Koerner Library. Date: Tuesday, February 19 Location: Koerner Library Kick off Reading Week with a series of workshops designed to help you with all stages of the graduate student research process from doing […]

Canadian Library Association Student Article Award (All Students)

The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program (including distance education programs), or faculty of education library program. See http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Student_Article_Award&Template=/CM/HTMLDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12376

Dissertation Successfully Defended (All Students)

The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, The iSchool at The University of British Columbia, is pleased to announce the successful defense of the Ph.D. dissertation by student Evelyn Markwei on February 7. The title of her dissertation is: The Everyday Life Information Seeking Behaviour of Urban Homeless Youth.  The defence was held February […]

Vancouver Selected to Host TED Talks Starting in 2014 (All Students)

Vancouver selected to host TED Talks starting in 2014 – The Globe and Mail http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/vancouver-selected-to-host-ted-talks-starting-in-2014/article8167165/

Journal of Graduate Research in Young People’s Materials and Culture (MLIS, Dual, MACL)

Call for Papers: Journal of Graduate Research in Young People’s Materials and Culture (JGR) Based at the University of British   Columbia the Journal of Graduate Research in Young People’s Materials and Culture (JGR) is a peer-reviewed open-access e-journal publishing graduate student research in the areas of children’s and young adult literature, childhood studies, and cultural […]

Deadline for Janaury 2013 Registration (All Students)

Please be aware of the following deadline: Friday, 8 February 2013 Most Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses with withdrawal standing of “W” recorded on a student’s academic record. Student […]

UW Daily Story About the Music is My Life Art Show (All Students)

Former Fulbright Scholar, Jill Woelfer, was featured in The Daily of the University of Washington, an article titled “The Sound of Self-Expression”, a UW Daily story about the Music of My Life art show. Jill acts as project lead within Friends of Homeless Young People, the organization overseeing the project. On May 30, 2013, some […]

Resume Clinic, Networking + Writing for the Public (All Students)

Three Minute Thesis Competition.  To register to present or become an event volunteer, contact your heat organizer or graduate.pathways@ubc.ca.  For complete event info, please visit http://3mt.grad.ubc.ca/.  If programs or departments would like to know more about 3MT I am happy to come and meet with you to discuss the program.  If you are student whose […]

Announcing 2012 UBC SLAIS Co-op Students of the Year (All Students)

Arts Coop is pleased to share the winners of this year’s SLAIS Co-op student of the year awards. MAS Co-op Student of the Year: Helen Brown for her S2012 work term at Playwrights Theatre Centre. MLIS Co-op Student of the Year: Danielle Watters Westbrook for her F2011/W2012 work term with the Collections Management & Planning […]

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