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Provincial Nominee Program Information Session and Leveraging Your International Experience in Building Your Career presentation (International Students)

I. Work: Provincial Nominee Program Information Session and Leveraging Your International Experience in Building Your Career Are you an international student interested in living and working in Canada permanently after graduation? Government officers from the BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) will give a presentation about how to apply for Canadian permanent residency through BC […]

Draft Winter 2013-2014 Session Course Timetables Available (All Students)

The DRAFT 2013-2014 Winter Session timetables are now available on the SLAIS site: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/timetables/timetables.htm Three new courses are still going through the approval process and thus do not currently have Course Descriptions: ARST      556H [LD] [to be approved] LIBR      559A [HO] [to be approved] LIBR      539A [LF] [to be approved]   It […]

Open Data Learning Summit (MLIS, Dual, MACL)

As an outcome of Open Data Learning Summit last Fall BC Libraries Co-operative is working with BCLA Continuing Ed and Libraries and Literacy BC to hold a half-day unconference for library people. DataCamp<http://bc.libraries.coop/open/datacamp/> is a 1/2 day congress for anyone into libraries and their data. Focus for the camp is building libraries capacity around releasing, […]

Call for Applications: Graduate Global Leadership Fellowship (All Students)

The Graduate Global Leadership Fellowships enable promising leaders from developing countries to pursue doctoral studies at UBC. The fellowships are to support international students showing outstanding leadership in humanitarian and development work in their home country. Two fellowships will be offered; each fellowship provides an $18,000 stipend plus tuition each year for four years. Applicants […]

Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference Student Travel Awards (All Students)

Taylor & Francis Group is sponsoring travel grants for two students traveling to ER&L 2013 (March 17-20 in Austin). The travel grant includes conference registration, air travel costs, and housing totaling up to $1500 per winner. Applications are being accepted now and awards will be adjudicated by an ER&L volunteer committee. Application Requirements: This grant […]

Workshop on Intercultural Communication (All Students)

Registration is now open for The Essential Intercultural Communication Workshop (Offered in partnership with International House, this case-based interactive workshop for both domestic and international students will cover topics including TAing, working in groups and supervisor/student relationships). Thursday, February 28th, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM For complete session details visit: http://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/8127-gps-event-essential-intercultural-communication-workshop To register, visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2362 […]

UBC iSchool Again Storms iConference (All Students)

This year’s iSchools conference, “Scholarship in Action: Data, Innovation, Wisdom” was February 12-15 in Fort Worth Texas, with a large representation from SLAIS: The iSchool at UBC in attendance. The iSchool was well represented when it came time to hand out the conference awards. Special congratulations go to the Remediating Tinker Bell crew for 1st […]

Welcome to Dr. Helene Høyrup, SLAIS Visiting Professor in Children’s Literature (All Students)

The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies is pleased to announce that Helene Høyrup, Ph.D., of the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark, will be joining us as the inaugural Dodson Visiting Professor. She will be in the position from February to April 2013. Dr. Høyrup is Associate Professor in children’s […]

SLAIS Summer Course Scheduled Modified (All Students)

There have been modifications to the two summer term SLAIS course timetables.  If you are planning on taking courses this summer please check the new versions: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/timetables/timetables.htm If you have any questions please talk to your program chair.

The AUS Presents: Arts Last Lecture with Michaelle Jean (All Students)

The UBC Arts Last Lecture is back! This year, the Arts Undergraduate Society of UBC Vancouver is excited to welcome the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, former Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, current UNESCO Special Envoy for Haiti, and Co-President of the Michaëlle Jean Foundation as our speaker for the event. When: Friday, March 1st 2013 Time: 8:00pm […]

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