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Fix for Windows UBC Secure Problems [All Students]

Recently UBC IT has updated their Wireless Certificate, for most users this is seamless but if you’re running a Windows laptop and have noticed over the past couple of weeks that every time you connect to UBC Secure it’s prompting you for credential authentication instead of connecting automatically there is a relatively easy fix.

Disconnect from UBC Secure and tell Windows to forget about that network.  (different versions of windows have different ways of handling this, newer versions are more straightforward)  When Windows “forgets” it will delete the certificate and allow the installation of the new version.

Connect to UBC Visitor and open a web page.  Don’t login but instead click on the UBC Secure AutoConnect utility on the left side of the page.  This will load a small application that will migrate you to the UBC Secure Network, install the new certificate for you, and set Windows to connect to UBC Secure automatically when it is in range.


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