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$5,000 LIS student scholarship

LIS students are invited to apply for the $5,000 Roger K. Summit Scholarship.

As a member of the ProQuest® Discover More Corps, you may be interested to learn about the Roger K. Summit Scholarship, presented annually in honor of Dialog’s* founder, a pioneer in information systems design. Applications are being accepted now through April 30, 2014.

This $5,000 (USD) award is presented to a student currently enrolled in an accredited library or information science program anywhere in the world. It is one of the many ways ProQuest shows its support for librarianship.

To learn more about the scholarship or to download an application, click here.

If you are an LIS instructor, please share this information with your students. If you are a student, we encourage you to apply for the scholarship. After all, someone is going to receive $5,000. Why not you?

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