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SLA Eng Div $1200 SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award, call for applications. Essay deadline March 15, 2014.

Special Libraries Association Engineering Division$1200 SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award
Call for Applications

Award to attend the SLA Annual Conference in
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 8-10, 2014


SPIE Digital Library is sponsoring for library school students the award of a $1200 travel stipend toward payment of expenses incurred while attending the annual Special Libraries Association conference in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, June 8-10, 2014. SPIE Digital Library is the world’s largest collection of optics and photonics applied research.

The SPIE Digital Library Student Travel Stipend Award will be given to the qualified student who submits an essay of three or less double-spaced typed pages that is judged to be the best essay submitted describing the following scenario:

When the Special Library Association (SLA) was established in 1909, the idea of “special” libraries fit the movement that was occurring, and the name of the association as the Special Libraries Association was selected in default of a better name. Since this time, the Special Libraries Association (SLA) has gone back and forth regarding the name of the association. Should the association keep the name “Special Libraries Association” or change it? Support your position with relevant and current examples. How does keeping the name versus changing the name of the association impact existing special libraries? (Special libraries include: Corporate, Medical, Law, Religious, etc.)


Qualifications for Entering Award Competition:

The essay winner must be a student member of the SLA Engineering Division at the time of acceptance of the award.  Membership in the Engineering Division is not required at the time of application; it is only required upon acceptance of the winning award. Part of the award will be a one year student division membership to the SLA Engineering Division.

The winning student must attend the Engineering Division annual business meeting, held at the 2014 SLA annual conference.


Special Instructions:

  1. Give your full name, address, telephone number, e mail address, and a statement, on one page, of your qualifications, as given above, for entering the award competition.  Include the name of your library school.
  1. Type your full name (without any additional personal information) at the top of each essay page. Double space the typing on all pages.


Deadline for Submission:  March 15, 2014.

Submit Entries for the award to:

Bette Finn, SLA Engineering Division Awards Committee
Georgia Tech Library and Information Center
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0900
Phone:  (404) 894-1790    Fax: (404) 894-8190
E mail: bette.finn@library.gatech.edu

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