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Manitoba Libraries Conference 2014 – Registration is now open!

Registration for the 2014 Manitoba Libraries Conference is now open!

The 2014 Manitoba Libraries Conference, May 12th – 14th 2014 at the Delta Hotel in downtown Winnipeg, is a chance for us to celebrate the Unlimited Potential of the library community in Manitoba and beyond. We are excited to bring you a rich and diverse conference program with topics ranging from children’s literature, strategic programming for public libraries, and innovative library access to human rights, open-source technology, and new digital initiatives in Manitoba’s libraries and archives. We also have a dynamic pre-conference agenda as well as keynotes from Nora Young, host of CBC radio’s Spark, and Winnipeg author Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair.

For more information visit:

Program: http://www.mla.mb.ca/content/program
Registration: http://www.mla.mb.ca/content/registration


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