NEASIS&T Student Travel Award
STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD AVAILABLE (Deadline: Friday, April 25, 2014)
The Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NEASIS&T) is pleased to announce the availability of one award of up to $750 to reimburse expenses for attendance at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting (October 31-November 4, Seattle, WA). Applications must be received by Friday, April 25. The winner will be notified by Wednesday, April 30.
One award for the best ESSAY will be offered to student members of ASIS&T* in the New England, Upstate New York or Eastern Canada regions. Students must be enrolled in an information science** master’s or doctoral program. In order to be reimbursed, the award winner will submit receipts substantiating travel and conference related expenses, such as costs for registration, airfare, food, and lodging. The award winner will also be expected to meet with a NEASIS&T representative at the conference.
Submit an essay that addresses the following questions in specific detail:
* Why do you wish to attend the ASIS&T Annual Meeting?
* How do you believe you will be able to use the conference experience to further your career?
* How might NEASIS&T or ASIS&T benefit if you receive the award?
Essay criteria:
* Essay must be written in English.
* Essay may not exceed 500 words or two double spaced pages.
* Student must be sole author.
The coversheet should include the following information:
* Applicant’s name
* Address
* Phone number / E-mail address
* School affiliation / information science program / Student ID number
* Proof of ASIS&T membership (e.g. ASIS&T member number, copy of email receipt of payment, or photocopy of check canceled by ASIS&T Headquarters)
The ASIS&T Annual meeting is one of the most highly regarded meetings in the information science field. It covers the breadth of activities and endeavors of the information community with technical sessions addressing specialties of the information professional. The 2014 Annual Meeting, ” Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities” takes place October 31-November 4 in Seattle, Washington.
Papers should be submitted as attachments and sent by email to:
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