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Register now for SEI 2014 (Image Management insstitute)

There are still a few places available in SEI 2014 (the Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management): http://sei2014.org/registration/. SEI 2014 will be held at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign from June 10-13, 2014. The intensive curriculum includes hands-on and discussion sessions on intellectual property rights, metadata, imaging, project management, and digital preservation.

SEI is useful for information professionals new to the field, current or recent graduate students, and more experienced professionals eager to respond to fast-changing technological advancements and job requirements. Individuals holding a range of professional roles have benefitted from past SEIs, including image collection managers, university and public librarians, archivists, and museum professionals responsible for image rights and reproductions. For more on SEI 2014, visit the website at http://sei2014.org/.
Last year’s SEI graduates noted:
“I would definitely recommend SEI to others. The entire week provided a great opportunity for intense learning as well as networking with others in my profession.”
“For someone in the LIS world but not the VR and/or art history world, it was a great introduction and gave me some potential career paths to explore.”
“Fantastic job of covering information that I didn’t learn in library school.”

To register, see http://sei2014.org. Please contact SEI co-chairs Amy Trendler (aetrendler@bsu.edu) or Meghan Musolff (musolffm@umich.edu) with any questions.


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