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ACA workshop – June 24, Victoria, BC

There is still room in the following workshop that’s being held prior to the Association of Canadian Archivists’ annual conference, taking place in June 2014 in Victoria, B.C.

Records and Archives Consulting as Career Utopia?: Considering a Freelance Career
Instructor: Laura Millar
Location: Fairmont Empress hotel, Victoria, B.C.
Date: Tuesday, June 24, 9 am – 4:30 pm)
Fee for participants: $153 + GST

In this workshop, records and archives consultant Laura Millar will introduce participants to issues associated with establishing and maintaining a freelance career in records and archives management. Topics include: the nature of records and information consulting, the difference between consulting and contracting, how to find and bid on consulting projects, and how to identify and build on professional strengths and skills.

The workshop will also address: how to determine the scope of work, costs, and expenses for consulting projects, how to manage projects for success, how to identify and deal with issues of ethics and conflict of interest, and how to cope with the administrative requirements of a consulting business. The workshop will include a mix of lectures, exercises, case studies, and group activities. The workshop does not focus on specific records and archives topics but instead addresses the general nature, scope, and reality of freelance records and archives management work.

The workshop will be of interest not only to archival practitioners considering freelance work but also to archivists who want to understand more about the nature of consulting and contract work in order to achieve the best results from consultants who work with their institutions. Students and recent graduates will also find the workshop of interest as they consider various career options.

The deadline for workshop registration is May 16.

Online registration is at https://members-archivists.ca/meetings/RegistrantType.aspx

The workshop registration form is at:

Please send any questions about the workshop to the Association of Canadian Archivists Professional Learning Committee at acaprolearning@gmail.com .


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