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New Course Offerings for Winter 2014-2015

Can’t decide which courses to take in Winter 2014-2015? Take a look at these new offerings. If you have any questions you should talk to the instructors or to your adviser.
Remember that if there are any conflicts between information on the UBC site in terms of days, times or locations, use the information on the SLAIS site and send Melissa a message so that she can get the UBC site modified: iSchool-SLAIS Program Assistant ‎[ischool.program@ubc.ca]‎


Term 1 [September 2014]

LIBR 559Q: Open Knowledge: Changing the Global Course of Libraries and Learning (3), instructors Kevin Stranack and Lauren Maggio

Open source, open science, open data, open access, open education, open learning — this course will explore the important concept of openness from a variety of perspectives, including library and information studies, education, publishing, economics, politics, and more, and asks you to discover what it means to you in your future role as a librarian. “Open Knowledge” is an international and multi-institutional course, bringing together instructors and students from Canada, Ghana, Mexico, the United States, and the rest of the world. The in-person sessions at SLAIS will be led by two librarians and emphasize key content for the library and information studies field.

Weekly topics will include:
Week 1: Introduction to Open Knowledge
Week 2: Technological Change, Digital Identity, and Connected Learning
Week 3: Participatory Culture, Citizen Journalism, Citizen Science
Week 4: Intellectual Property, Copyright, and the Economics of Open
Week 5: Historical Perspectives: Learned Publishing from Medieval to Modern Times
Week 6: Open Science, Data, Access, Source, Review
Week 7: Open Educational Resources: From Lesson Plans to Instructional Videos
Week 8: Archives, Databases, Encyclopedia: Evaluating Open Collections and Reference Sources
Week 9: Scholarly Publishing and Communications: Journals, Books, and Publication of Research
Week 10: Information Literacy: Overload, Filters, and Developing a Critical Lens
Week 11: Global Perspectives on Equity, Development, and Open Knowledge
Week 12: Student Publishing: Lessons in Publishing, Peer Review, and Knowledge Sharing
Week 13: The Future of Open Knowledge

The course will challenge you take control of your own learning, to determine your own learning objectives, to contribute to the development of the curriculum, to reflect on your progress, to learn new digital skills, and to take a leadership role in the classroom. It will also provide you with the opportunity to connect with colleagues from different countries and professions, and to better understand areas where your interests overlap and where unexpected distinctions exist. We hope you’ll consider taking this journey with us.

Lauren Maggio (lmaggio@stanford.edu)
I am the Director of Research and Instruction at Stanford University’s medical library. As a librarian and researcher, I focus on effectively connecting people with information through education and facilitating public access to knowledge. I am a UBC SLAIS alumna, with a Master of Arts in Children’s Literature. It was at SLAIS, that I realized I was really enjoying the LIS classes and then went on to earn an MLIS from
Simmons College in Boston, my hometown. As a lifelong learner, I am now finishing my PhD in Health Professions Education in a joint program at the University of California, San Francisco and the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. I look forward to connecting with all of you, sharing my hands-on knowledge of the information science field, and exploring the changing frontier of knowledge together this fall.

Kevin Stranack (kstranac@sfu.ca)
I’m the Coordinator for Community Services and Learning at SFU Library’s Public Knowledge Project, where my work focuses on building the skills and infrastructure for open scholarly communication in Canada and around the world. I graduated from SLAIS with an MLIS in 2002, completed a Master of Adult Education from the University of Regina (2013), and am starting a PhD in the Faculty of Education at SFU this September. I’m interested in the intersection between technology, community development, and open scholarship, and am looking forward to this opportunity to learn with all of you.

If you have any questions about the course, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Term 2 [January 2015]

LIBR 569R: Graduating Project (3) / ARST 575R: Graduating Project (3), instructor Heather O’Brien

SLAIS’s new graduating project course has community service learning at its heart. The course will foster significant learning experiences, mentorship, and collaboration with community partners. Students will be afforded the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world settings and issues, develop personally and professionally, and contribute to society. If you are looking for an opportunity to bring together the education, work, and extra-curricular experiences you acquired during your program in a meaningful way – academically, civically, and personally – this is the course for you! If you want more information please be in touch with the course instructor Dr. Heather O’Brien (h.obrien@ubc.ca).

We are offering two exciting new courses focusing on data services and management – one of the most rapidly growing fields within library, archival and information science:


LIBR 539J – Data Sources in the Public Domain, instructor Luanne Freund

In this course, offered for the second time in January 2015, we focus on the growing open data and open government movements in Canada and around the world, and develop the skills and knowledge needed to provide data services. These skills will be relevant in all library sectors as well as a range of government and organizational settings. Topics include awareness of the many open data resources, a critical understanding of policy and related issues , and hands on skills in handling and documenting data sources. The course is taught half in the classroom through discussions of literature and new tools and technologies, and half in the lab, doing hands-on exercises working with data.

LIBR 559S (3) Research Data Management for Information Professionals / ARST 556K (3) Research Data Management for Information Professionals, instructor Eugene Barsky

This is a brand new course that focuses on a current issue that cuts across the library and archives fields: the management of research data for preservation and shared access. Topics covered by the course include: types of research data, metadata standards for description, data storage, backup and sharing systems, policies and working with users to develop data management plans. The instructor is involved in the research data management initiatives within UBC and will bring current experience and knowledge to bear. Students who wish to be ready for one of the key challenges facing the research sectors in the next decade are encouraged to take this course.

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