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June 2014

You are browsing the archive for June 2014.

Graduate Pathways to Success Sessions: Writing Week 2014

There is still plenty of space in this week’s workshops: SCARL’s Multiple Testing and Comparisons and Writing with Integrity (registration info available at https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/gps-graduate-pathways-success/gps-workshops-events. Registration is now open for June 16th to 20th’s Writing Week, a program offered by the UBC Writing Centre, International Student Development, the Graduate Student Society and GPS. Full session description […]

Register for Library Camp – EdTech Edition, July 25, 2014

Grab your rucksack and sign up a friend for Summer Camp #librarycampUBC Camp is coming! BC Libraries Cooperative is spreading the word about the next Camp event for library people — #libraryCampUBC. Forging networks of library innovation online relies on offline events like this one. Camp is set to happen Friday, July 25, 2014 from […]

Potential External Credit Course for SLAIS Students: STS 502 Core Seminar in Science and Technology Studies

STS 502 Core Seminar in Science and Technology Studies PHIL 561A Topics in Science and Technology Studies January – April 2015 Mondays 2-5 pm Professor Alan Richardson (Philosophy/STS) TOPIC: Public Understanding of Science This course will be a community-based learning course in which we bring readings on the public understanding of science to bear in […]

Registration is Open! Access 2014 in Calgary

Early Bird registration is now open for Access Library Conference, being held at the University of Calgary September 29-October 2, 2014. Access is Canada’s premier library technology conference bringing librarians, technicians, developers, programmers, and managers together to discuss cutting-edge library technologies. Access is a single stream conference featuring in-depth analyses, panel discussions, poster presentations, lightning […]

Graduate Pathways to Success Events: Career Symposium, Statistics + Writing with Integrity

Today is the last day to vote for UBC’s Stephanie Harvard in the National Three Minute Thesis competition. Check out all 11 3MT videos at http://www.cags.ca/3mt/index.php Registration is now open for: GPS/CSI&C Pre-Career Symposium Workshops Monday, June 9, 2014, Hennings Bldg 3:00pm – 4:00pm: Networking 4:00pm – 5:00pm: From Resume to Online Profile For a […]

Call for Submissions – SIGUSE Awards 2014

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS – SIGUSE AWARDS The Information Needs, Seeking, and Use Special Interest Group (SIG USE) of ASIST seeks submissions for six awards: 1. The Best Information Behavior Conference Paper Award 2. The Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award 3. The Elfreda A. Chatman Research Proposal Award 4. The Student Travel Award 5. The […]

ASIS&T Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Award Nominations Due June 15

Call for nominations for the 2014 ASIS&T Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Award This award recognizes substantive work performed by students in the field of information science and encourages research and writing. Since 1996, it has been sponsored by the Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, on behalf of the late David […]

FINAL CALL – New Leaders award deadline – JUNE 2

Are you an current ASIST member in your first three years of membership? Would you like to help to provide input and perhaps even assist in revisioning or improving an ASIST Chapter, SIG and/or Committee? Please consider applying to be one of the New Leaders in the 2014 cohort. Eight awards are available for 2014. […]

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