From Eugene Barsky, UBC Research Data Librarian & iSchool Adjunct Professor:
As we anticipate significant changes in funders’ requirements towards research data in Canada this year, we have created a new listserv with a purpose of serving as an electronic discussion list addressing issues related to research data in libraries, specifically in Canada.
We called it CANLIB-DATA. Here is how you can subscribe:
1. Send an email to with the words **subscribe canlib-data YOUR NAME ** in the body.
2. You will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. Click on the confirmation link within the email
3. You will receive another email to confirm that you are now subscribed to the list
Alternatively, you can email me and I will manually subscribe you.
We have an archive for the posts, accessible after you login to- with your email and password (easy and free to create)
More info –
Thank you,
Eugene Barsky
Research Data Librarian
University of British Columbia
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