The Youth Services SIG Co-Chairs are seeking graduate student applicants for the Youth Services Graduate Student Travel Award, generously sponsored by the University of Washington Information School. The full award description is here:
Please note the submission deadline of November 7, 2014.
Are you eligible? Check the criteria below to find out!
1) You will be enrolled in an LIS graduate program (master¹s or doctoral) during the ALISE Conference (January 27-30, 2015).
2) Your program of study includes a concentration in youth services (broadly defined as materials and/or services, children and/or young adults, everyday setting and/or library setting).
3) You are a member ALISE and a member of the Youth Services SIG.
4) You are actively participating in the conference (e.g.,presenting a paper, serving on a panel, interviewing for a faculty position).
Yes! I¹m eligible!
Please submit your application, including the following in PDF or Word format, by November 7, 2014:
1) A one-page, single-spaced letter describing your interest and work in the youth services area.
2) Evidence of participation in the upcoming conference (e.g., emailed poster/paper acceptance, panel notification).
3) Current curriculum vitae.
No, I¹m not eligible‹but I know someone who is!
Great! Send them this message and encourage them to apply!
The award amount is $750, and beyond that, it¹s a great item to
include on your CV when you¹re job-hunting!
Good luck and best regards,
Denice Adkins & Robin Kurz, your Youth Services SIG Co-Chairs
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