BCS is a unique, 20-month, second degree program. It is designed for university graduates possessing a bachelor’s degree in another field who are interested in making a career transition into information technology, or combining their own field with computer science. This program is the only Bachelor of Computer Science program offered in Western Canada.
• allows students to combine computer science with other fields of interest, e.g. biology, psychology, commerce, education, music, etc.
• optional co-op work terms
• regular tuition fees
Appealing to:
• mature learners
• graduating university students
Application details:
The application deadline is March 15th, 2015. For information about our admission and application process, please visit our website at: http://www.bcs-ics.cs.ubc.ca or contact our Coordinator Giuliana Villegas at bcs-info@cs.ubc.ca or 604-822-2213.
The Computer Science Department at UBC is a top-ranked Computer Science department in Canada, as well as in North America. Our professors are leading researchers and outstanding instructors. Our department offers multiple and flexible program options to undergraduate students. For more information on our department and programs, please visit our website at: http://www.cs.ubc.ca or contact us at: 604-822-9176 or undergrad-info@cs.ubc.ca.
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