You are browsing the archive for 2014.
Digital Directions, July 21-23, Portland, OR – Register Now – Seats are going fast!
DIGITAL DIRECTIONS: Fundamentals of Creating and Managing Digital Collections July 21-23, 2014 Portland, Oregon USA Register Now – Seats are going fast We expect to sell out before the deadline this year! Join colleagues from institutions large and small for 2 ½ days of instruction on basics and best practices for creating good digital objects, […]
Dual Degree Transfer Deadline for MLIS Students Who Began in January 2014 [MLIS]
To all MLIS students who began their degree in January 2014, the deadline to apply to transfer into the Dual degree is June 2, 2014. If you have interest in transferring into the Dual program and want more information on the process, please contact me (Dan Slessor, Student Services Coordinator), at your earliest convenience. This […]
Graduate Pathways to Success workshop: Resume Clinic
Registration is now open for next week’s Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS)/CSI&C Resume Clinic. Thursday, May 29, 2014 – 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM For a complete session description, please visit https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/11523-gpscsic-event-resume-clinic To register, see https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3483 Several new workshops including the writing week series, procrastination and from resume to online profile have been posted at […]
UBC Library Research Commons Workshops May 2014
Tips and Tricks for Formatting Your Thesis: Little Things Mean A Lot! Are you worried about getting your thesis/dissertation into the format required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies? Would you like to know more about how to use the formatting features in Microsoft Word? Research Commons staff will help you with your questions about […]
Invitation for the Canadian Visual Analytics School (CANVAS) 2014
The Vancouver Institute for Visual Analytics (VIVA) invites you to come to the Canadian Visual Analytics School (CANVAS) 2014! CANVAS 2014 will be held at UBC from July 28 – August 1. It is a 5-day conference-esque event where you can network + learn the newest regarding VA research & deployment. The initial three days […]
iConference 2015 Call For Participation
Call for Participation iConference 2015 http://ischools.org/the-iconference/ The iConference is an international gathering of scholars and researchers concerned with critical information issues in contemporary society. iConference 2015 takes place March 24-27 in Newport Beach, California. More information available: iConference2015_CFP_5 2014
Annual Competition for the Best Libri Student Paper 2014
Annual Competition for the Best Libri Student Paper 2014 Since 1950, through 63 volumes, Libri: International Journal of Libraries and Information Services has been a leader among scholarly journals in the international library world. As part of its strategy to remain one of the premier library journals and to encourage new writers, Libri is issuing […]
SLA Conference Exhibits – Promo Codes
Adjunct professor Eugene Barsky has passed along the following opportunity for students to gain access to the exhibits at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Conference in Vancouver, June 8 – 10. The exhibit pass is normally valued at $100. “Elsevier shared this code for SLA exhibit passes, if you’re interested: URL: https://slaconference.org/2014/portal/newreg.ww Promo code: 1nf03xp0”
Shelagh Mikulak Memorial Scholarship in Library Sciences
Students are encouraged to apply for a new scholarship established in memory of Shelagh Mikulak: the Shelagh Mikulak Memorial Scholarship in Library Sciences. Shelagh was an alumna of UBC’s MLIS program, and an expert in academic, business and law libraries, and a founding member of the Special Libraries Association’s Western Canada Chapter. Her most cherished […]
Graduate Pathways to Success: new sessions posted and save the date notice
There is still space available for this week’s: GPS Workshop: Management Essentials for Leadership Tuesday, May 13th, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM For a complete session description, please visit https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/10969-gps-workshop-management-essentials-leadership To register, please see https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3447 GPS / SCARL Statistics Workshop V: Modelling Proportion and Count Data Please note this is not a how to with […]