You are browsing the archive for 2014.
Graduate Pathways to Success workshops: Managing Collaborative Research Teams + Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Registration is now open for: GPS Workshop: Managing Effective Collaborative Research Teams Wednesday, May 7th, 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM For a complete session description, please visit https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/11055-gps-workshop-managing-effective-collaborative-research-teams To register, please see https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g33e4 GPS/LCC Workshop: Leading with Emotional Intelligence Thursday, May 8th, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM For a complete session description, please visit […]
August Practicum Deadline – Monday, May 12
LIBR 595 – Practicum (0 credits) [MLIS, Dual Students] Students interested in applying for a Practicum this upcoming August (17th – 29th) must send an application to Dan Slessor by Monday, May 12. The Practicum is an optional two-week (full-time placement) usually completed at the end of your second term. It cannot be done at […]
Two grants available for MLIS students attending the SLA Annual Conference in Vancouver
MLIS STUDENTS! Are you currently attending a library or information sciences school and wish to attend the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference in Vancouver from June 8-10, 2014? The Competitive Intelligence Division of the Special Libraries Association is offering two student grants to pay your registration in return for your part-time assistance with conference activities. […]
Professional Experience Postings – Summer 2014 [MAS, MLIS, Dual Students]
A reminder that several Professional Experience postings are currently available to students in the MAS, MLIS and Dual programs. These placements could be a good way to gain experience over the Summer. Current ARST 596 postings include: SFU Special Collections and Rare Books Bowmer-Shoebotham Museum of Military Medicine Vancouver School Board And more. Current LIBR […]
Registration reminder for Code4Lib BC Spring Workshops –> May 2, 2014
General Info When: Friday, May 2, 2014 Cost: $15 per workshop (note: lunch is not included) What: Four half-day workshops are being offered at two different venues in Downtown Vancouver. See below for further details. Register at: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/2014-code4lib-bc-spring-workshops-tickets-11107666329 Who: A diverse and open community of library developers and non-developers engaging in effective, collaborative problem-solving through […]
One Week Left to Apply for LIS US$5,000 Scholarship
Know A Student Studying Library Information Sciences? One Week Left to Apply for this US$5,000 Scholarship Opportunity! ProQuest is proud to present the Roger K. Summit Scholarship; open to all LIS students worldwide. The award is the equivalent of US$5,000 and is presented at the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference or at a regional location […]
NEASIS&T Student Travel Award – Essay Deadline – April 25!
REMINDER – DEADLINE APPROACHING! NEASIS&T Student Travel Award STUDENT TRAVEL AWARD AVAILABLE (Deadline: Friday, April 25, 2014) The Association for Information Science & Technology, New England Chapter (NEASIS&T) is pleased to announce the availability of one award of up to $750 to reimburse expenses for attendance at the ASIS&T Annual Meeting (October 31-November 4, Seattle, […]
Graduate Pathways to Success sessions: Mitacs Step Entrepreneurship + Doctoral Exams and Thesis Submission (with Webinars)
Leader’s Dialogue Audio posted: In January 2014, Dr Susan Porter and Christopher Roach (GSS president) hosted a leader’s dialogue with the following panelists: Stephen J. Toope, President and Vice-Chancellor of UBC Louise Nasmith, Principal, UBC College of Health Disciplines Arvind Gupta, CEO & Scientific Director of Mitacs and a professor of Computer Science at UBC […]
Qualitative Data Analysis with ATLAS.ti – Introductory Workshop – May 23-24
On May 23 and 24 there will be a two day workshop on the ATLAS.ti qualitative data analysis software [see attached posters]. The workshop will be held in the Terrace Lab at SLAIS. Information on the software is available here: http://www.atlasti.com/index.html There may be a few free registrations available to SLAIS students. If interested, please […]
Deadline Approaching – ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (April 28th)
One week remains until the deadline for applications for the ARL Initiative to Recruit a Diverse Workforce (IRDW). The IRDW programs a generous suite of financial and developmental benefits to students from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups in support of MLIS education. The goal of the program is to recruit diverse students into careers […]