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Africa Global Health

Dear Students:

Are you interested in Africa Global Health?

Ebola, AIDs, monkey pox, Rift Valley fever, Malaria, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia, Burkett’s Lymphoma, and epidemics of Type 2 diabetes. In the past decade Africa has been been the center of much of global health because of these and many other issues. To be a health professional in Africa means that one must become aware of Africa Global Health. The diseases are frightening. However few have recognized that remarkable progress that have been made by your country, and by the faculty at your university. Since 1950, life expectancy in Africa has risen by 17 years, a remarkable 45%. You, your family and friends and Africa are healthier now than you have ever been. During this time health in Africa has become global as disease have no borders. Learning about global health you can assure that better health can continue for Africa and the world.

The library of Alexandria, your university and our former WHO Collaborating center in Pittsburgh have prepared a series of 3 short modules which provide an interesting overview about Global Health research for free. We would very much appreciate if you could share these with others on Twitter, Facebook, email, and on you universities web site as we feel every health professional should view the world globally.

Module 1: What is Health?

I have taught for 30 years in the school of public health in Pittsburgh. I was surprised that most of our students had never been taught the WHO Definition of health. We decided to share this with you as the beginning of our voyage into global health. It is a simple, but beautiful definition. Please distribute this to all in health.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. (WHO)

We hope you come with us on this tour. By the end of the 3 modules you will begin to understand the importance of global health for you, your community, Africa and the world.

If you would like to join this global tour, please send an email to africaglobalhealth@gmail.com

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