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Important Announcements

January Term Courses [All Students]

The January term course wait lists for all ARST and LIBR courses have now been emptied. If you wish to add courses for January you should check the Student Services Centre on a regular basis to see if any seats have opened in the relevant courses.  If seats are available you should register yourselves into […]

Reminder: Applicaiton for Travel Funding [MLIS/DUAL]

Dear Students, SLAIS has made available travel funds for MLIS/DUAL Students to be allocated by the Chair of the MLIS Program. These funds are also available to Dual students attending an LIS or IS conference. The funds are extra to the travel funds that are currently listed on our Website. Funds will be initially limited to students […]

Reminder: Application for Travel Funding [MAS/Dual Students]

Dear Students, SLAIS has made available travel funds for MAS and Dual Students to be allocated by the Chair and Second Chair of the MAS Program. These funds are available to MAS and Dual students attending an Archival Conference. The funds are extra to the travel funds that are currently listed on our Website (e.g., Student […]

Professor Saltman is missing her book [All Students]

Professor Saltman left her copy of the Chicago Manual of Style in a student’s box a week ago and it appears to have gone missing. If you find it, please turn it in to the office.  

January 2014 WISE Courses [All Students]

Annual ALPS Getting Hired in Higher Education Panel [MLIS, Dual]

Interested in a career in academic libraries? Want to learn more about navigating the hiring process and securing your first professional position?  The Academic Librarians in Public Service (ALPS) section of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter is thrilled to announce the annual Getting Hired in Higher Education Panel! Join us on Tuesday, October 29 2013 from 12:00-1:30pm in the Dodson Room (within […]

Accreditation External Review Panel Luncheon

Mon, October 21, 12pm – 1pm Where: Student Union Building, Room 209 Description: All SLAIS students (particularly those in the MLIS or Dual programs) are invited to attend the ALA Accreditation external review luncheon on Monday, October 21st at 12pm. This luncheon is a part of the ALA accreditation process that SLAIS is undergoing right […]

SLAIS IT Labs Renewal [All Students]

The PC workstations in the Terrace and Kitimat labs were all purchased in late 2007 as the School prepared to move into the new I.K. Barber Learning Centre.  In recent years many of the workstations have experienced hardware and software problems related to age and the system capabilities of the computers. Thanks to the Faculty […]

Letter to Students from President of the Canadian Library Association (CLA) [MLIS Students]

Please see the attached letter from Pilar Martinez, President of CLA. UBC Student Chapter Text: September 25, 2013 School of Library, Archival and Information Studies University of British Columbia Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Suite 470- 1961 East Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 Dear Student, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you […]

Changes to iSchool Portal [All Students]

Over the next week, you may notice some changes to the iSchool portal. Notably, the “News from iSchool” widget will be replaced with a new widget with content relating to upcoming “Scholarships & Awards” that may be of interest to students as well as “Professional Development” opportunities, such as conferences and workshops. The content currently […]

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