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Accreditation External Review Panel Luncheon

Mon, October 21, 12pm – 1pm


Student Union Building, Room 209


All SLAIS students (particularly those in the MLIS or Dual programs) are invited to attend the ALA Accreditation external review luncheon on Monday, October 21st at 12pm. This luncheon is a part of the ALA accreditation process that SLAIS is undergoing right now to re-accredit the MLIS program with ALA for the next 7 year period. This luncheon gives those on the external review panel a chance to interact with the students of SLAIS. If you plan on attending please register! http://accreditationluncheon.eventbrite.com/ If you have special dietary requirements (vegan, gluten-free, photosynthesis, etc.) we can accommodate. Please include your requirement when you register.


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