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SLA Bay Area Chapter New Members Reception: We want YOU!

Message for students and alumni groups that would be interested in meeting information professionals in the San Francisco Bay Area. 

*Update: if you previously RSVP’d to this event but didn’t receive a response, please send me another email at the address listed below. Thanks!!

SLA Bay Area Chapter is getting together for its New Members Reception on October 10th at The Holding Company, 2 Embarcadero Center in San Francisco. 

It’s only $10 to hang out, socialize, and meet some fantastic new people or reconnect with others you haven’t seen in a while. Members who know someone that would benefit from joining SLA can bring them and get in free – the both of you! Students are also free because we love them and they’re poor. Everyone gets some nosh and a libation on us.

Please share with students and professionals who might be interested and are in the Bay Area. We’d love to meet them!

All the info is here: http://sanfrancisco.sla.org/2013/09/new-member-happy-hour/ or https://www.facebook.com/events/637556369618567/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Please RSVP by October 8 to shellio@outlook.com

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