Internship Opportunities – The Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives (ICFA) – Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C.

These postings may be applicable as Professional Experience Projects. Please contact the iSchool Student Services Coordinator if you are interested in pursuing this option:

The Image Collections and Fieldwork Archives (ICFA) of Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is currently recruiting interns for the Spring 2014 term:

Archival intern will assist the Archivist and the Byzantine Research Associate with the research and archival processing of the collection “San Marco in Context.”

Cataloging intern will assist the Metadata and Cataloging Specialist with the migration of legacy image metadata for implementation into a new collection management system.

Processing intern will assist the Archivist with the final stages of archival processing for three collections that have been preliminary processed.

For more information about joining the ICFA team, please check: Internship Policies.

Ken Haycock Student Conference Award

Applications are now being accepted for the annual Ken Haycock Student Conference Award for the 2014 BC Library Conference.

The Ken Haycock Student Conference Award is named in honour of Ken Haycock who is a luminary in the provincial and national library sector. Among other notable achievements Ken served as Professor and Director at UBC SLAIS,  as Coordinator of the Executive MLIS Program and Center for Information Research & Innovation at San Jose State University, and is Research Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Southern California. Ken is the Senior Partner at Ken Haycock and Associates and in October 2013  Ken was appointed Chancellor-elect at Capilano University with his official duties beginning in June, 2014.

The Ken Haycock Award is for $300 and is intended to offset BC Library Conference expenses, encourage leadership and professional activity among students. BCLA will provide full basic conference registration for the award recipient.

Criteria for applicants:

  • Recipient will be a member of BCLA.
  • Recipient will be a BC resident enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLIS program at the time of the application.
  • Recipient will submit a statement of potential benefit from attending the conference and involvement with BCLA
  • Recipient will agree to contribute to the conference as a volunteer, as required.

Information about this and other awards and scholarships can be found at:

Please submit your statement of potential benefit to by February 10th, 2014. Please indicate “Ken Haycock Student Scholarship” in the subject line.

2014 PNLA Conference – Call for session proposals

January 31st is the deadline for session proposals for the 2014 PNLA Conference, being held August 13-15 in Helena, Montana.

The PNLA conference attracts library staff from all over the Pacific Northwest, Alaska and Western Canada.  It is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the amazing work taking place in BC’s libraries.

For more information, visit the conference website:

Hope to see some fellow British Columbians in Big Sky County this August!

The Library and Research Commons Graduate Student Workshops

The Library and Research Commons Graduate Student Workshops series has many upcoming workshops on How to Complete your Ethics Application in RISE, Thesis Formatting, SPSS Data Mgmt, Citation Mgmt and more.  See the upcoming sessions here .


There is still space available for this week’s:

Tuesday, January 21: 3MT Coaching Sessions/Tips for a great presentation:

9:00am – 10:00am: Webinar (technical information provided with registration)

10:30am – 12:00pm: In person workshop (Irving K. Barber Learning Centre)

To register, please visit:

Friday, January 24, 9:00 – 10:30 AM Intro to Interacting with the Media:

To register, please visit:


Registration is now open for:

Professional and Business Effectiveness             

Tuesday, January 28, 9:00am to 12:30pm

For a complete session description, visit:

To register, please visit:


Time Management

Wednesday, January 29, 10:00am – 12:00pm

For a complete session description, please visit:

To register, please visit:


Doctoral Exam Preparation and Submitting your Thesis (Webinar):

Wednesday, January 29, 1:30pm – 4:00pm

For a complete session description, please visit:

To register, please visit:


Doctoral Exam Preparation and Submitting your Thesis (In person session):

Thursday, January 30, 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM: Doctoral Exams and 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM Thesis

For a complete session description, please visit:

To register, please visit:

Copyright for your Thesis: how to use images and other material

Thursday, January 30, 1:00pm – 3:00pm

For a complete session description, please visit:

To register, please visit:

ABC Copyright Conference in Victoria – May 26 and 27

The University of Victoria and Camosun College will be hosting the 2014 ABC Copyright Conference. We invite you to peruse the Program Schedule (Draft) at:

Registration for the conference (including breakfast, coffee breaks, lunch and social event) is now open.

Printing Notice


First of all, our apologies for the recent confusion regarding printing in the Terrace and Kitimat labs. The way printing works has changed. Printer cards are no longer required and documents for printing will go directly to the printer in Kitimat.

To ensure that paper and ink don’t run out quickly, please only print what you need. Thank you for understanding.

STAs, Stephanie and Sarika

Reminder: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal – Jan 20, 2014

Monday, 20 January, 2014

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses without withdrawal standing of W recorded on a student’s academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a W standing. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific drop/withdrawal dates.

Last day for eligible students to apply for an exemption from the U-Pass program. Consult U-Pass Eligibility for information and instructions.

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day for changes between credit and audit for most Winter Session Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information.

Term 2 courses and Distance Education Term C courses: Last day to elect Credit/D/Fail grading for eligible courses. Refer to the online Course Schedule for specific information.”


Alice Bacon Continuing Education Scholarship

Hello All,

If you are a BCLA Member and could use some financial assistance to attend the BC Library Conference please consider applying for the Alice Bacon Continuing Education Scholarship.

Named in honour of Alice Bacon who, for many years, both organized and lobbied for improved continuing education opportunities for librarians. It is awarded to individuals who would otherwise be unable to attend BCLA the annual conference due to limited funds. Awards vary in amount depending on the individual’s need and funding available.

Please send an email to by February 10th with the subject line Alice Bacon Continuing Education Award and outline what amount of support would make it possible for you to attend the conference. For example let us know that covering the cost of registration as well as perhaps travel costs and accommodation costs would be necessary for you to attend. If you can cover some of the costs, for example accommodation if you are in the Lower Mainland, let us know that as well. A few sentences about yourself and your role and aspirations in the library community would also be appreciated.

We look forward to hearing from those of you who may not have had an opportunity to attend many conferences in the past as well as from people who would like an opportunity to expand their professional education.

Call for Conference Volunteers

Hello BCLA members,

Volunteers will be needed to make the 2014 BC Library Conference a success.

Don’t miss the chance to meet new people, network with the library community, catch-up with old friends, and contribute to your Association!

If you are interested in volunteering, and have experience and skills to bring to volunteer positions, we are excited to hear from you. Volunteer positions include Registration Desk, Conference Office Assistants, & especially individuals to help direct delegates to rooms and events.

On Monday March 31st volunteers will be needed from 4 pm to 6 pm. At 6 pm those volunteers are invited to stay and attend the opening Keynote by Ivan Coyote and attend the following reception. On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1st and 2nd, volunteers are needed for 4 hour shifts in the morning and afternoon. Volunteers are invited to attend conference sessions and events for the half day they are not volunteering. When you submit your name please let us know what volunteer shifts work best for you. We are also interested in hearing about any experience you have had with conferences or related work and how comfortable you are meeting and greeting the public.

Volunteer opportunities are also available for Session Convenors. These are full day opportunities and volunteers are invited to attend the conference on the day they are not volunteering. If you are interested in being a Session Convenor let us know what type of program introduction experience you have or other experience that demonstrates your ability to introduce presenters and to manage the day’s sessions.

Program information is linked below  (The link to registration is included should you decide to register for the BC Library Conference rather than volunteer):


Conference Program for Monday:

Conference Program for Tuesday:

Conference Program for Wednesday:
Please e-mail Jennifer Cowden to submit your name to volunteer for the BC Library Conference.

And please let us know before January 31, 2014

We will contact volunteers before February 28th 2014 to confirm the opportunity and designate the volunteer shift.

This is a volunteer opportunity for BCLA Members!


Thanks to all of you for considering this opportunity.

Harry Newsom Memorial Award

Please consider applying for the Harry Newsom Memorial Award.

This is an opportunity for BCLA members who have notable travel costs and who would like to attend the BC Library Conference in 2014.

Established in memory of Harry Newsom, Director of the Cariboo Thompson Nicola Library, this prize is used to defray travel costs for individuals who otherwise would be unable to attend BC Library Conference due to limited funds. Awards vary in amount depending on the individual’s need and the funding available.

Please submit a short letter explaining your travel needs and confirming that you can cover the registration costs of the conference by February 10th, 2014.

Please put “Harry Newsom Memorial Award” in the subject Line of the email and send to . We will contact successful applicants as soon as possible after February 10th and before Early Bird Registration closes.

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