Registration is now open for the following Graduate Pathways to Success sessions: Canada Graduate Scholarships, Master’s Award Competition


Thursday, November 13th 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (in person) and 1:00 – 2:00 PM (via webinar)
For a complete session description, see register, visit (in person) or (webinar)

PhD Connections Lunch for 1st year PhD students:  Building your Community at UBC.  Thursday, November 6th, 12:00 ??? 1:30 PM. Register for this lunch session by Nov 4th at
Three Minute Thesis 2015 Datesare now set!  The semi-finals and finals will take place March 10th and 12th respectively.  If you are interested in hosting a heat in your department and/or learning more about Three Minute Thesis ( ), please contact .

If you have any questions, please contact Jacqui Brinkman

81st IFLA Congress, 15–21 August, 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa

Students of Library and Information Science (LIS) are invited to take part in the upcoming 81st IFLA Congress, 15–21 August, 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa <> with a paper presentation. The Calls for Papers <> have already started, but more will follow soon.

The IFLA/ekz LIS Student Paper Award <> will honor students of Library and Information Science whose abstract submissions have been accepted by any IFLA Section or IFLA Unit to be presented.

Students must first follow one of the deadlines of any IFLA section Call for Papers.  Once the paper is accepted for presentation by any IFLA section at the World Congress (not a satellite conference), the student may then send their full paper to SET to apply for the award – but not later than 15 April 2015.

Three finalists will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. From these three finalists, the winner will be chosen and receive the IFLA Congress registration fee plus grant for economy airfare and economical lodging to attend the IFLA Congress 2015, in total up to €1000, plus the recommendation for publication of the paper in the IFLA Journal. Second and third place finalists will receive a certificate.

UBC Thrive, November 3-7, 2014

UBC Thrive, November 3-7, 2014, is a week dedicated to building and celebrating the positive mental health of UBC faculty, staff and students.

You’re invited to try something new and participate in some of the over 50 Thrive activities and events at UBC’s Vancouver and Okanagan

campuses on topics such as workplace mental health, work-life integration, coping with exam anxiety, mindfulness, stress management,

and many physical and nutritional activity opportunities.


UBC has been challenged by the University of Winnipeg to see which school can host the largest Thrive week Zumba class, so don’t forget

to attend the exciting wrap up events on both campuses! Whether you participate in a Thrive activity, change your daily

routine, or reach out for help if you’re facing difficulties, trying something new can help you to stay well and achieve your goals.


SLAIS encourages all students to participate and to find an event, be inspired by stories, commit to your wellbeing and help build a healthier community for all:


Travel Grant Opportunity: Apply for the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association’s Annual Meeting

Would you like to learn more about music librarianship and management of music collections?  The Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Music Library Association (PNWMLA) invites you to apply for our inaugural travel grant to attend our annual meeting in Eugene, Oregon May 8-9.  This grant is open to first-time-attendees of a PNWMLA annual meeting.  Graduate students in library and information science, paraprofessionals, and librarians working in areas related to music are especially encouraged to apply.  Applicants need not be members of PNWMLA at the time of application but must agree to join the chapter upon receiving the award.  This award covers travel funding up to $300.

Application materials should be submitted via email as pdfs to Ann Shaffer (  To apply, please include the following:

1. A letter of application which includes:

  • the reasons for attending the PNWMLA annual meeting and why you are a good candidate for this grant
  • a justification of financial need
  • a brief budget for travel costs to attend the PNWMLA annual meeting.  Annual meeting registration for travel grant recipients is free and need not be included in your brief budget.
  • information about any other grants, matching funds, or institutional support you may also receive to cover costs to attend the PNWMLA annual meeting.

2.  A current vita or resume

3.  One letter of support directly emailed by the reference via email to Ann Shaffer (

Deadline for the receipt of applications is December 31st.  The PNWMLA Board will notify candidates who applied by February 1st.

The following information may be useful in preparing your budget:

  • Hotel room blocks run $109/night not including tax

Please contact PNWMLA chair, Ann Shaffer, with any questions you have related to the travel grant

Announcing the 5th Annual ASIS&T Student Design Competition

Join other students in a fun and challenging  information system design competition to develop and present plans for a creative and innovative information system in response to a design challenge.

The kick-off meeting will be held on Sunday, November 2, at 8:00pm. We will form design teams, review the procedures, and present the challenge.

You and your team will generate a system proposal, and present it to a jury of industry and academic leaders in information science and an audience of conference attendees on Tuesday November 4, at 10:30am.

At the end of the presentation session, the jury will announce a winning team. Everyone will be able to network with members of the jury and receive additional feedback. After that you can relax and go to SIG/CON on Tuesday night.

Each member of the winning design team will receive complimentary registration to the 2015 ASIS&T Annual Meeting, and will also be written up in the Bulletin of ASIST. In addition, you will meet other students and have a chance to network with judges and attendees.

Spread the word!

Paul Marty, Florida State University, and Sanda Erdelez, University of Missouri

2015 ALA Midwinter Offering – LLAMA Career Institute Focuses on Project Management Skills

FINAL PRESS RELEASE – 20 October 2014

Congratulations! Your boss has just handed you a new project. What do you do now?

LLAMA will present the third LLAMA Career Institute – entitled Project Management for Librarians: Planning for Success – on Friday, January 30, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This institute will be held in conjunction with the American Library Association’s (ALA) Midwinter Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.


See link below for more details:

2015 LCI Final Press Release

The Association of Architecture School Librarians

Building on the core concepts of this year’s ACSA theme, The Expanding Periphery and the Migrating Center, the Conference Planning Committee has been working hard to developa suite of programs, tours, talks, and social events designed to address AASL members’ interests.

In addition to hearing from local experts about the architecture of Toronto, attendees will have the opportunity to—during Lightning Rounds—share ideas with their colleagues about potential solutions to common concerns pertaining to contemporary architecture librarianship and we will experiment with a new type of unconference session entitled Venture and Vexation. Stay tuned for announcements about additional conference programming that is currently under development

Please plan to join us at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, March 17 – 19, 2015.

We are planning to activate our conference website in November, complete with registration information.

Cinema Salon Screening on October 30th

Cinema Salons
October 30th
Thursday October 30th @ 12:00PM in Koerner 216

Don’t miss our monthly series of screenings from the UBC Library’s feature film collection in Koerner Library. On the last Thursday of every month, join lovers of cinema to view and discuss titles from the Videomatica Collection. The October screening will be hosted by Ernest Mathijs, Professor of Film Studies, on Thursday October 30th @ 12noon in Koerner 216 with a screening of Andy Fickman’s She’s the Man (2006), a carnivalesque version of Twelfth Night.

Flu Vaccination

As part of the Influenza Immunization Program, UBC will offer free influenza vaccinations (flu shots) for UBC staff, faculty and students throughout November.

Clinics will be held at convenient locations/times across UBC Vancouver (Point
Grey) Campus from November 4-27. Vaccinations will be available while supplies last. Please take the time to learn more and register now at:
Getting sick can take you away from what’s important to you. Protect yourself and those around you. One of the best ways to avoid getting sick with the flu is to get a flu shot. It’s safe and it works.

The Influenza Immunization Program is a partnership between Risk Management Services, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the School of Nursing, Student Health Services, and Workplace Health Services.

Important Curriculum Changes [Continuing MLIS and Dual Students]

The MLIS curriculum is undergoing several significant changes which have been approved by the SLAIS Curriculum Committee and full SLAIS faculty.  We will be posting full details on the changes soon, but in the meantime one proposed change will directly impact continuing MLIS and Dual students.

These changes, subject to approval from the UBC Senate include a new Research Methods course to be added to the MLIS Core courses effective September 2015.  This course will not be available to current continuing MLIS or Dual students who have already completed the current MLIS Core [LIBR 500, 501, 502 and 503] or will complete the current Core by May, 2015.

Current continuing MLIS and Dual students who will have completed the MLIS Core by May 2015 will continue to have LIBR 505: Research Methods in Information Organizations or ARST 591: Archival Research and Scholarship as a degree requirement.  All of these students must have completed either LIBR 505: Research Methods in Information Organizations or ARST 591: Archival Research and Scholarship by December 2015. These cross-listed courses will be offered in these upcoming terms:

  • January 2015 (limited seats available please contact Veronika at
  • May 2015
  • September 2015

Current Dual students who will not start the MLIS Core until September 2015 are strongly encouraged to take the new MLIS Core, including the new Research Methods course and not the current LIBR 505: Research Methods in Information Organizations or ARST 591: Archival Research and Scholarship.

The Summer 2015 timetables will be available in draft form in mid-November.

If you have any questions on this please speak with your program adviser.

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