DMIL (Military Libraries Division of SLA) Student Liaison Coordinator Update 02272015

Job Search Training
1. Job Search Workshop, Join in 3/21! —
2. National Digital Stewardship Residency Programs in Boston and New York. Deadline Friday, May 8th, 2015 —
3. Information Resources Center Intern Needed (Spring 2015). Available now. —
4. OCLC Research Diversity Fellow Position. Open until filled. —
5. Residency position open at Towson. Preference given to applications received by March 22, 2015. —

Please Respond To a Quick Survey For ALA-NMRT

As a part of the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2015 Emerging Leaders Program, we are conducting a short survey regarding publication needs and opportunities for students and new professionals, specifically targeting ALA New Member Round Table’s (NMRT) newsletter, Footnotes, and peer-reviewed journal, Endnotes. We would greatly appreciate your feedback to guide our enhancement of these publications, and we estimate that the process should take less than five minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous, and the survey will be available through March 12. Please access the survey through the following link:

Although helpful, familiarity with Footnotes and/or Endnotes is not necessary. We welcome input from librarians of all types and career stages. This comprises the initial step of our initiative to improve these resources, which serve as ALA-endorsed venues for publication by those of any experience level.

Please contact with any questions, and feel free to forward this survey as appropriate.

2015 NMRT Emerging Leader Project Teams

Exploring The Meaning Of The ‘The Public Domain’ From The Juridical, Individual And Temporal Perspectives

The meaning of The Public Domain is central to many aspects of the information age, including the proper working of open government, where it informs the review of public records and handling of personal data in archives; the security of individuals’ personal data; and the commercial interests of an increasingly data-driven economy. It is also subject to legal compliance demands e.g. Freedom of Information. However, despite its importance the concept is complex and ill-defined in law and in practice. There is no satisfactory legal definition of The Public Domain, little public discourse, and no public consensus on what it is. Determining whether personal data is already in The Public Domain, and whether that is sufficient justification to publish or keep records closed, is complex and surrounded by difficult ethical and juridical considerations, which are further compounded by technological change. This PhD will therefore examine the meaning of The Public Domain in the context of personal information in archival records, and how in practice it can be determined in individual cases.
The student will gain access to senior members of the Judiciary, members of the UK Constitutional Law Group, serving/ex-members of the Lord Chancellors Advisory Council on Public Records, sensitivity reviewers, and expertise in data protection legislation. The aim is that the findings will support national archives, such as TNA, to make better decisions on the safe and consistent opening of personal records for research and public scrutiny.
Further information is available at:

However Prof Julie McLeod, or Prof Michael Moss, will be happy to answers any enquiries.

Beyond Hope 2015 – Call for Proposal Reminder

Beyond Hope 2015 Call for Proposal deadline is approaching. The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2015. Help us to recognize and share the contributions of ALL libraries by presenting at our Beyond Hope 2015 Conference. We encourage proposal submissions from public, academic, school, and special libraries staff.
Proposal can be submitted through our Beyond Hope website:
The Beyond Hope 2015 theme is Libraries are Forever. Our theme celebrates the Prince George Public Library’s diamond anniversary as a municipal library and recognizes the valuable and enduring contributions that libraries make to our communities and lives.

WISE Information For Students

Registration for the 2015 Summer session WISE courses opens Monday, March 2, 2015. Information on the available courses can be found here:
General information on WISE can be found here:

It is possible additional WISE courses will be added later. Currently five courses are listed that have been approved for qualified SLAIS students.


A reminder that space in the WISE courses is very limited. Do NOT request a space in a course unless you are firmly committed to taking it if you are offered a space. Being given a requested space and then dropping the course near or after the course begins will put you at the bottom of the wait list for future WISE courses.

Important: US students with US government Direct Loans are NOT eligible to take WISE courses. If you have such a loan and register for a WISE course you could lose your loan eligibility.

Instructions on how to request a space in a WISE course will be distributed in an email to all SLAIS students.

Beyond Hope Library Conference 2015 – Call for Proposals

The Prince George Public Library, with support from the North Central Library Federation, is excited to announce that the Call for Proposals for the 2015 Beyond Hope Library Conference is now open!

The Beyond Hope 2015 theme is Libraries are Forever. Our theme celebrates the Prince George Public Library’s diamond anniversary as a municipal library and recognizes the valuable and enduring contributions that libraries make to our communities and lives.

Help us to recognize and share the contributions of ALL libraries by presenting at out Beyond Hope 2015 Conference. We encourage proposal submissions from public, academic, school, and special libraries staff.

Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2015
Proposal can be submitted through our Beyond Hope website:

Scholarship For MLIS Students

The Legal History & Rare Books SIS would like your help in spreading the word about the annual Morris L. Cohen Student Essay Competition. The competition is named in honor of Morris Cohen, late Professor Emeritus of Law at Yale Law School, and is designed to encourage scholarship, and to acquaint students with AALL and law librarianship. Essays may be on any topic related to legal history, rare law books, or legal archives.

The competition is open to students currently enrolled in accredited graduate programs in library science, law, history, and related fields. The entry form and instructions are available at the LH&RB website: Entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m., March 16, 2015 (EST)

Africa Global Health

Dear Students:

Are you interested in Africa Global Health?

Ebola, AIDs, monkey pox, Rift Valley fever, Malaria, penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumonia, Burkett’s Lymphoma, and epidemics of Type 2 diabetes. In the past decade Africa has been been the center of much of global health because of these and many other issues. To be a health professional in Africa means that one must become aware of Africa Global Health. The diseases are frightening. However few have recognized that remarkable progress that have been made by your country, and by the faculty at your university. Since 1950, life expectancy in Africa has risen by 17 years, a remarkable 45%. You, your family and friends and Africa are healthier now than you have ever been. During this time health in Africa has become global as disease have no borders. Learning about global health you can assure that better health can continue for Africa and the world.

The library of Alexandria, your university and our former WHO Collaborating center in Pittsburgh have prepared a series of 3 short modules which provide an interesting overview about Global Health research for free. We would very much appreciate if you could share these with others on Twitter, Facebook, email, and on you universities web site as we feel every health professional should view the world globally.

Module 1: What is Health?

I have taught for 30 years in the school of public health in Pittsburgh. I was surprised that most of our students had never been taught the WHO Definition of health. We decided to share this with you as the beginning of our voyage into global health. It is a simple, but beautiful definition. Please distribute this to all in health.

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. (WHO)

We hope you come with us on this tour. By the end of the 3 modules you will begin to understand the importance of global health for you, your community, Africa and the world.

If you would like to join this global tour, please send an email to

Information and Call of Proposals: (QQML2015) 26-29 May 2015, IUT-Descartes University, Paris, France

It is our pleasure to invite you in Paris (IUT-Descartes University, 26-29 May 2015) for the 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015) which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology, a non-profit organization).
The Abstract or Paper submissions web page is open at
If you already have sent your submission ignore this message.
However, you can visit the QQML Journal website at to see the fast growing statistics, download papers and find our connection with EBSCO and DOAJ for paper downloads.
You can also contribute in the following list of Special and Invited Sessions and Workshop of the Conference or to propose new sessions and workshops.

Special and Invited Sessions of the Conference

1. Bibliometric Research.
Coordinator: Teresa S. Welsh, Ph.D., Professor of Library & Information Science, University of Southern Mississippi, USA.
The coordinators are willing to accept more papers for the session.
2. Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Online Learning in LIS.
Coordinator: Stacy Creel, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Library & Information Science, University of Southern Mississippi, USA.
The coordinators are willing to accept more papers for the session.
3. Information on Track!
Coordinators: Angela Repanovici, Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, Ane Landoy, Bergen University Library, Norway.
4. Using Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Digital Library Education and Research.
Coordinators: Sirje Virkus, Professor, Tallinn University, Institute of Information Studies, Estonia & Aira Lepik, Associate Professor, Tallinn University, Institute of Information Studies, Estonia.
5. Open science and its evaluation – new challenges and possibilities for libraries
Coordinators: Markku A. Laitinen, Planning Officer, National Library, Finland, Standards Specialist, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and Jarmo Saarti, PhD, Library Director, University of Eastern Finland Library, Finland
The coordinators are willing to accept more papers for the session.
6. School Library Research.
Coordinator: Marilyn M. Brissett, MLIS, School Librarian, United States Virgin Islands Department of Education.
The coordinators are willing to accept more papers for the session.
7. Linking Research and Practice: The Synergies and their Relevance to Practice, Policy and Academia.
Coordinator: Maria G. N. Musoke, Professor of Information Science and Former University Librarian, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
The coordinators are willing to accept more papers for the session.

Quickly Collect Qualitative Data With a Video Booth!
Organizer: Annie Epperson, Associate Professor of University Libraries, University of Northern Colorado, Michener Library, USA
Please direct any questions regarding the QQML 2015 Conference to the secretariat of the conference at:

Italy Preservation Field School – Buildings, Ceramics, Paper, Books and Art

We are now accepting applications for our summer 2015 field school, the San Gemini Preservation Studies Program, now in its 16th year, dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage and offering students the opportunity to study and travel in Italy.

Session One (June 1 – 26)
Building Restoration* Revised program
Restoration of Traditional Masonry Buildings in Italy
Sketching and Analyzing Historic Buildings
Ceramics Restoration
Introduction to Conservation of Archaeological Ceramics
Workshop on Ceramics and Ceramics Conservation in Italy

Session Two (July 13 – August 7)
Book Bindings Restoration
Introduction to the Restoration of Book Bindings in Italy
Workshop on the Restoration of Book Bindings
Paper Restoration
Introduction to Restoration of Paper in Books and Archival Documents
Restoration Workshop – Paper in Books and Archival Documents
Traditional Painting Materials & Techniques
Traditional Painting Methods and Techniques in Italy, including Issues of Weathering and Aging
Painting Workshop – Traditional Painting Methods and Techniques in Italy
Preservation Theory and Practice in Italy
Restoration in Italy – Issues and Theory
*Field Projects:
Restoration of the façade of the Church of San Carlo (13th Century)
Analysis of medieval buildings in San Gemini as part of an urban study of the city

Inter-Session Programs (June 27 – July 10)
Structural Treatments on Canvas Paintings (June 29 – July 10) Workshop
An expert workshop dealing with the restoration of canvasses: the structural support of oil paintings. The program includes theoretical classes and practical workshops.
Inter-session Field Trip – Italy (June 28 – July 7)
A ten day trip visiting Siena, Florence and Rome: places of cultural interest, the urban and historical development of each town, and specialized visits to places of interest to restorers.
Inter-session Field Trip – Athens (check-in Saturday, June 27 – check-out Friday, July 10)
A twelve day visit of Athens: an exploration of the history of preservation and conservation issues facing the city lead by some of the top Athenian experts in their field.

To find out more about our program and review the syllabi, please visit our WEBSITE.

Our courses are open to students from various disciplines, both undergraduate and graduate. All lessons are taught in English.

If you know any students, scholars, or others interested in this type of study, please inform them about our program. We would appreciate it if you could list our program on your organization’s website as an available educational resource.

We have a 2015 flyer that you may wish to post on your department notice board or forward to interested parties. You can print this from our website. Please let us know if you have any problem printing and we can email you the PDF.

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