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Methodology Mixer: Interdisciplinary Approaches of Methodological Inquiry (All Students)

CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS 13 November 2012, 2 to 4pm

UBC Research Commons invites you to submit your abstracts for 5 minute presentations on research methodology.

Using the appropriate methodological design for your research question is one of the most critical components for advancing academic inquiry.  The objective of this event is to explore multiple approaches to research. The Research Commons at Koerner Library invites you to a FIREtalk focusing on methodological discourse and compatibility.  Multiple short presentations centering on research design will provide a diverse sampling of method selection, meta-analysis strategies, mixed methods designs, and interdisciplinary perspectives on approaches to research.

To submit your proposal, go to:  http://koerner.library.ubc.ca/services/research-commons/fire-talks/proposal-submission-form/ and follow the instructions. Abstracts should be submitted no later than 4pm on 30 October 2012.

For more information, contact us at research.commons@ubc.ca or check out our website at http://researchcommons.library.ubc.ca

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