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Articles Featured in Canadian Journals

A number of students, faculty and alumni have published articles in the past few weeks – four are featured in the winter 2012 edition of Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and information Practice and Research, and three are featured in the December 2012 edition of Feliciter, published by the Canadian Library Association.

In Partnership, alumnus Karim Tharani is the author of the peer-reviewed article “Collections Digitization Framework: A Service-oriented Approach to Digitization in Academic Libraries.” Karim, MLIS 2010, is currently Information Technology Librarian at the University of Saskatchewan. Current MLIS students David Waddell, Morgan Barnes and Stefan Khan-Kernahan are also featured in the same issue, authors of “Tapping into the Power of Twitter: A Look at its Potential in Canadian Health Libraries.” Links to both articles are available from the issue’s  table of contents at http://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/issue/view/149/showToc.

In Feliciter, Sabrina Wong, who just completed her MLIS studies and will be conferred her degree in May, is the author of “Shared Print, Shared Knowledge,” which examines the Shared Print Archive Network (SPAN) develoepd by COPPUL, the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries. Also in the same issue is “Further Connections: A Multilayered Cultural Parntership” by current MLIS student Ksenia Cheinman, addressing a set of programming initiatives presented by the North Vancouver City Library in collaboration witht he Collective for Advanced and Unified Studies in the Visual Arts (CAUSA). Finally, adjunct faculty member Guy Robertson is the author of “Out! A Guide to Emergency Evacuations.” All three articles are linked from the issue’s table of contents at http://www.cla.ca/feliciter/2012/58-6/index.html#p=4.


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