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SLAIS, UBC, and Vancouver Children’s Literature Events (All Students)

Wednesday, January 30th, (new room and time) 11:45– 12:45 pm, SLAIS colloquium, Barber — Chilcotin Board Room (IKBLC 256). Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. Carol Tilley, “Children, Comics, Critics, and a Researcher”

Saturday, February 23rd, 8:30 am on, Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable Illustrator’s Breakfast, UBC Golf Club, the remarkable Oliver Jeffers. Student rate. Registration at this link.


Wednesday, February 27th, 7:30-8:50 pm, Room 46, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, (in Judi’s children’s literature class), Sarah Ellis and Kit Pearson on writing for the middle reader. All welcome.

Friday, March 1st, 3:30-6:30 pm, Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. MACL organized Symposium on Maurice Sendak (free, registration necessary, more information to follow). Speakers include professor of creative writing, professor of children’s literature, authors, illustrators, and librarians, among others – Christianne Hayward, Helene Høyrup, Shannon Ozirny, Kathie Shoemaker, Rhea Tregebov

Wednesday, March 20th, noon to 1 pm, Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. SLAIS colloquium series: Helene Høyrup: “Literature between Bookspace and New Literacy Space: Towards a Connective Ethnography of Children’s Literature and Digital Media”


Background on Visiting Children’s Literature Professor, Helene Høyrup, her talks at UBC, and her courses:

The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies is pleased to announce that Helene Høyrup, Ph.D., of the Royal School of Library and Information Science in Denmark, will be joining us as the inaugural Dodson Visiting Professor — She will be in the position for the second Winter Term, January to April 2013.

Dr. Høyrup is Associate Professor in children’s literature and digital literacy at RSLIS n Copenhagen. She is an international scholar in children’s literature studies and has published extensively in the field. She is particularly interested in the theoretical development of children’s literature scholarship, the interface between children’s literature, art and literature for adults, and the situation of children’s literature and its studies in different nations and regions. As part of her work on digital literacy, Dr. Høyrup has co-edited a research volume on “New Knowledge Media” and is currently co-editing a book on the philosophy of information and digital library functions (with Birger Hjørland and Hans Jørn Nielsen, RSLIS). Additionally, Dr. Høyrup is an international Hans Christian Andersen scholar and a partner in several Danish, Scandinavian and European research projects on children’s literature and canonicity, and on theories of informal learning with digital media.

In addition to teaching two one-credit classes over the term, she will be a guest speaker in other classes and at a university-wide colloquium and a Maurice Sendak symposium on children’s literature.

Høyrup Special Talks

1. Symposium on Maurice Sendak, Friday, March 1st, 3:30-6:30 pm, Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBC (more information to come)

Helene Høyrup: “Maurice Sendak’s Modernism for Children. A Celebration of the Signifier?”

2. SLAIS colloquium series:

Wednesday, March 20th, noon to 1 pm, Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, UBC

Helene Høyrup: “Literature between Bookspace and New Literacy Space: Towards a Connective Ethnography of Children’s Literature and Digital Media”

Høyrup Children’s Literature Courses (one credit courses; there may still be student places in the courses for registration)

LIBR 522K: Children’s Literature in a New Literacy Perspective (1 credit). Taught by Helene Høyrup. Saturday February 23 [1:00-5:00 and 6:00-9:00] in IBLC 191 and Friday March 15 [9:00-12:00/1:00-5:00] in SCARF 201. In this course students will learn about a number of aesthetic and narrative developments in contemporary children’s literature and about theories of how the new media landscape and digital culture interact with our notions of children’s literature. http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/coursdes/libr/libr522k.htm

LIBR 522M: Children’s Literature, Canon Formation, and Canonicity (1 credit). Taught by Helene Høyrup. Saturday March 9 [9:00-12:00/1:00-5:00] and March 23 [9:00-12:00/1:00-5:00] in IBLC 191. In this course students will learn about theories and examples of canon formation and canonicity in relation to children’s literature. http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/coursdes/libr/libr522m.htm


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