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Meet the SLAIS Grads Event – a chance to network and meet your new community! (All Students)

This event celebrates the newest graduates of The School of Library, Archival and Information Studies: The iSchool at The University of British Columbia, and offers alumni, faculty, directors, staff, and other friends of SLAIS the opportunity to meet the new graduates and welcome them as our colleagues.

All new and recent SLAIS graduates are encouraged to attend this annual event. It’s a great way to network, meet new colleagues and your new community as a professional in your field.

Where: The Alice Mackay Room, lower level VPL Central Branch, 350 West Georgia St., Vancouver, BC

When: Friday, April 12th from 5:30-8 p.m.

Tickets to the SLAIS Alumni Association’s 2013 Meet the SLAIS Grads Event are now available via Eventbritehttp://www.eventbrite.ca/event/3172873149#

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