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Call for Paper Abstracts, Panel Proposals and Posters (All Students)

What: 2013 International Conference on Social
Media and Society

Where: Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia,

When: September 14-15, 2013
Website: http://SocialMediaAndSociety.com/
Twitter hashtag: #SMSociety13


Anatoliy Gruzd, Dalhousie University, gruzd@dal.ca
(Primary Contact)
Caroline Haythornthwaite, University of British Columbia
Karine Nahon, University of Washington
Stan Matwin, Dalhousie University


Paper & Panel Abstracts Due: May 1, 2013
Paper & Panel Notification: May 20, 2013
Poster Abstracts Due: May 30, 2013
Poster Notification: June 15, 2013
Conference dates: September 14-15, 2013


It is no secret that social media has become mainstream in recent years, and
its adoption has skyrocketed. As a result of its growing popularity, users’
online contributions and membership in online social networks have exploded.
The objective of this 2-day conference is to bring together experts in social media
and online social networks from both the academic and business worlds, to share
ideas on the best practices around how to study the impact of social media on
our society. The conference will provide researchers in this area an
opportunity to present and debate their ideas, and provide attendees with the
opportunity to build academic and professional contacts, present their
research, and learn about latest research in this area from a multidisciplinary


* BIG Data/Social Media Data
Scalability Issues and Social Media Data
Social Media Analytics
Social Media Data Mining
Social Media Mobile Applications
Visualization of Social Media Data

* Online Communities/Social Networks
Online and Offline Communities Formed on Social Media
Influential User Detection
Online Community Detection
Online Identity
Trust and Credibility in Social Media

* Social Media Impact on Society
Social Media & Public Administration
Political Mobilization & Engagement on Social Media
Social Media and Academia
Social Media and Business
Social Media and Journalism
Virality of Information in Social Media

* Theories and Methods
Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Theoretical Models for Studying Social Media


(1) Paper abstracts
Paper abstracts provide authors the opportunity to present their original work
related to the broad theme of social media and society.

(2) Panel presentations
Panel presentations provide authors the option of organizing three related
papers/talks together in a thematic session.

(3) Research poster presentations
The research poster session provides an interactive forum for authors to
discuss their research.


See more information at http://SocialMediaAndSociety.com/
For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Anatoliy Gruzd at gruzd@dal.ca

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