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There is still space available for this week’s workshops:

Entrepreneurship, Tuesday, June 11th, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  Register at: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g27bd

Procrastination (@VGH site), Thursday, June 13th, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM.  Register at: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g27bf

Registration is now open for:
GPS/Mitacs Step Workshop: Basics of Intellectual Property
Tuesday, June 25th, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
For a complete session description, please visit: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/9273-gpsmitacs-step-event-basics-intellectual-property
register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2815

Writing Week (offered through a partnership between the Graduate Student Society (GSS), the Writing Centre, International House, the research commons and GPS).  For non-GPS session descriptions and presenter bios, please visit http://gss.ubc.ca/main/?page_id=3489 .

Monday, June 17th 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM (GSS, the Writing Centre and the Research Commons)
“Reflecting on our writing: Writing process, collaboration and publishing” (by Nora Prior)
“Forming Thesis Peer Support Groups” (by Sarah Eden)
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g280f

Tuesday, June 18th 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
GPS Workshop: Writing with Integrity (by Drs. Susan Porter and Beth Haverkamp)
For session description, see https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/9269-gps-event-writing-integrity
To register, please visit https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2814

Wednesday, June 19th, 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Writing Your Thesis: for doctoral students in the Arts and Humanities (by Dr. Elizabeth Wallace)
For session description, see https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/9921-gps-workshop-writing-your-thesis-doctoral-students-arts-humanities
register, please visit https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2816

Thursday, June 20th, 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM (GSS and the Writing Centre)
“Into the Dustbin: Crafting a Clear and Concise Style” (by Stephen Neufeld)
To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2832

Thursday, June 20th, 1:00 to 3:00 PM (the Research Commons)
Tips and Tricks for Formatting Your Thesis: Little Things Mean A Lot!
To register, please visit: http://elred.library.ubc.ca/libs/dashboard/view/4172

Friday, June 19th, 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM (International House)
“Organizing and Evaluating Ideas in Research-based Academic Writing” (by Alfredo Ferreira)
To register, please e-mail liv.yoon@ubc.ca .

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