<div class="breadcrumb breadcrumbs"><div class="breadcrumb-trail"> <a href="https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca" title="SLAIS" rel="home" class="trail-begin">Home</a> <span class="sep">→ </span> <a href="https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/category/important-announcements/" rel="tag">Important Announcements</a> <span class="sep">→ </span> REGISTRATION AND WAIT LIST INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY [All Students] </div></div>



This is a long and fairly complex message so please read it carefully.

Registration for  Winter Terms 1 & 2 opens for Graduate and PhD students on June 12th. You have probably already received your emails from Enrolment Services giving detailed instructions and confirmations of the date and time that you can begin to register.

Please register for both terms as soon as is feasible after the opening time on Wednesday.  The School cannot pre-register you prior to the time specified so please do not call or email anyone asking that this be done. If for some reason you are unable to register on Wednesday you should register as soon as feasible after that date.  The School cannot put you in courses or on wait lists if yu are unable to register on Wednesday.

You will need you CWL ID and password.  Please ensure that your email address in SSC is up to date.

As the registration system is centralized please contact Enrolment Services if you are having difficulties.  In the first instance visit  http://www.students.ubc.ca/coursesreg/contact-us/  if you cannot locate the information you are looking for on this site, there is a link for your question or call 604 822 9836 or 1.877.272.1422.

If after contacting all of the above and working through the problem with them you are still unable to register please email Debra Locke using slais.registration@ubc.ca with the following information. Please use only this email as messages sent to other addresses will not be acted on.

Name: Program: Student number: The Course and Section you wish to Register for: Time you contacted Enrolment services and a brief outline of what they told you.

In most cases, Debra Locke may be able to tell you what the problem is, but she will not be able to put you into courses or onto wait lists if they are full.

NEW WAIT LIST PROCEDURE  – please use an up to date browser

The Winter Session wait lists will open on Thursday, June 13 at 12 noon.

Please visit:  https://applications.arts.ubc.ca/slais_waitlist

You will need your CWL to access the system.

The courses are laid out on the screen in this order: term-term-program.

Please click + on the course you wish to register for and the minus sign if you wish to drop.    The system refreshes every 20 seconds and will  let you know where you are on the wait list.  Once the wait list is full you will not be able to register.

You can register for a MAXIMUM of 8 wait lists – this includes both terms.  For example 5 wait lists in term 1 and 3 wait lists in term 2, for a total of 8 wait lists.  Out of consideration for your fellow students, PLEASE do not go on wait lists for courses unless you are committed to taking them if a space opens up.  You will be also responsible to remove yourself from the wait list if you decide not to take the course during the term.

Once a course wait list is exhausted, the course in SSC will be re-opened for registering by students. Spaces will be filled on a first come/first-served basis as students register.  The SLAIS office staff will NOT be maintaining any wait lists.

If you experience difficulties please email slais.registration@ubc.ca with your student number detailing the exact wording of the error message that the system sent you in your email.

If you are a MLIS or Dual student who will complete their degree requirements in December 2013, and must take ARST 570/LIBR 504 or ARST 591/LIBR 505 in order to graduate, please contact Debra Locke ASAP so that a seat can be set aside. This is in accordance with UBC Senate policy and does not apply to any other courses.

The wait lists will close for sign up on Monday, July 15th at 12 noon.


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