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Get Skilled with CTLT Summer Institute and UBC Community Leadership Program [All Students]

Dear Graduate Students,

This week we’re gearing up for the future with some career development opportunities. Late August and early September will be super busy, so take a minute to look at these while you still have some spare time!

Applications for the UBC Community Leadership Program are open to graduate students. Participants will receive training and build leadership skills to mentor a group of UBC students participating in a community project during Reading Week. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, August 28. Go to clp.ubc.ca for details.

The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT) will be running its Summer Institute from August 20 – 22 and September 3 – 6, 2013. This series of free lectures, workshops and presentations is a great resource for both TAs and instructors who want to sharpen their teaching skills. For details and registration, go to institute.ctlt.ubc.ca.

Also, keep in mind that Summer Orientation is coming up fast. Check out the schedule of Orientation events at http://orientation.grad.ubc.ca/schedules/august-2013/ and stay tuned for more updates from the GSS.


  1. Applications Open for UBC Community Leadership Program
  2. GSS Spotlight: Natalia – Incoming Student in LLED 2013


  1. 2013 CTLT Summer Institute
  2. UBC Research Commons: August Grad Student Workshops
  3. Summer Orientation for UBC Grad Students
  4. GrasPods: Road Hockey to Conquer Cancer

Heard of something good? E-mail us at communications@gss.ubc.ca.

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Adriana Byrne

GSS Communications Coordinator



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