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September Term Courses [Continuing Students]

All students should review their September term course registrations.  Please drop any courses you do not intend to take ASAP as this will allow other students to take the course if there is a wait list.

It is each student’s personal responsibility to manage their own course registrations.  If you are registered for a course you do not want to take and forget to drop it by the drop deadline you will receive a failing mark in the course.  If you are taking any 1-credit courses be sure to note the days on which the courses meet.  If you miss any of the class meetings, or a portion of a class meeting,  for a 1-credit course you must drop the course.  If you forget to attend you must drop the course if you are still within the drop deadline for the course.  If you are past the drop deadline you may receive a failing mark in the course.

The wait lists for a number of courses have now been emptied.  If you wish to register for a new course you should double-check to see if seats are now available.  It is possible to add a course up until the second class meeting in September if seats are available.

We would like to particularly point out the special cross-listed course being offered by Dr. Bruce Kingma, this year’s Dodson Scholar.  He will be teaching the very innovative
LIBR 579M: Innovation & Disruptive Entrepreneurship / ARST 575M: Innovation & Disruptive Entrepreneurship

Dr. Kingma will only be at the iSchool for the September term, so this may be your only chance to take the course.

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