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Opportunity for SLAIS Students to Attend Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance (PRDLA) meeting at UBC

UBC Library is hosting the PRDLA (Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance) annual meeting October 2-4.  This is a group of Pacific Rim academic libraries that meet once a year to discuss improved access to scholarly resources; this year’s theme is “Community and Collaboration – the Digital Pacific”.

This is a meeting of AULs and library directors, and not open to the library community in general.  However, UBC Library is looking for a few volunteers to assist as conveners on the days of the meeting.  The students will have the opportunity to sit in on the sessions they are convening. Program abstracts are here: http://prdla.library.ubc.ca/program/abstracts/ .

If interested, contact Larissa Ringham at larissa.ringham@ubc.ca . Deadline is September 10th, although sooner would be preferable.

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