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ARMA VI: Elizabeth Denham Talk – Latest developments re:information and privacy issues (All Students)

We at ARMA Vancouver Island are pleased to host recent newsmaker, BC’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, for a quick ½-hour speaking engagement at St Ann’s Academy on April 26 (see details below). She will be available for questions after her talk. Please register at http://denham.eventbrite.ca/

Colleague Connection at MLA 2013 in Boston! (All Students)

Calling all students who are attending the Medical Library Association’s Annual Meeting in Boston this May! Enhance your MLA 2013 conference experience through Colleague Connection! Colleague Connection is a mentoring program that pairs newer members or first-time meeting attendees with returning, more experienced members during the 2013 Annual Meeting. The purpose of Colleague Connection is […]

Future Proofing Your Grad Degree (All Students)

Next Friday, April 12th, in collaboration with the Centre for Student Involvement & Careers, John Horn and I will be hosting 2 sessions by Shaun Longstreet and Brenda Bethman, both Affiliated Faculty and Co-Founders of Alt/Academix, a consultancy that works with students, faculty and administrators to prepare graduates for careers within and beyond the academy. […]

UBC Canada Excellence Research Chair in Digital Media Research and Innovation

The University of British Columbia (UBC) invites applications and nominations for a Canada Excellence Research Chair in Digital Media Research and Innovation in the UBC Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS) http://www.icics.ubc.ca/. For more details, please go to: https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3566

August Practicum Application Information (MLIS and DUAL Students)

Information regarding August Practicums has been posted on the iSchool News Blog. For information about practicums and applications please visit http://blogs.ubc.ca/ischoolnews/2013/03/26/august-2013-practicum-information/.  

Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship – Deadline Friday April 5th (All Students)

Applications open for 2013 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship To apply visit www.ftrf.org/?Conable_Scholarship CHICAGO- The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) has opened applications for the 2013 Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship, which will enable a library school student or new professional to attend ALA’s 2013 Annual Conference, held June 27-July 2 in Chicago, Ill.

Basil Stuart-Stubbs Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Book on British Columbia (All Students)

The annual Basil Stuart-Stubbs Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Book on British Columbia recognizes the best scholarly book published on a British Columbia subject by a Canadian author. This prize was established in 2012 to honour the memory of Basil Stuart-Stubbs, whose many accomplishments included serving as the University Librarian at UBC Library and the Director […]

Speaker announcement: UBC SLAIS Alumni Association’s 2013 Meet the New Grads event (All Students)

The UBC SLAIS (the iSchool at UBC) Alumni Association has the great honour to announce Colin Preston, Media Librarian, CBC Vancouver, as guest speaker at the 2013 Meet the New Grads. The event will take place at the Alice Mackay Room, lower level VPL Central Branch, 350 West Georgia St., Vancouver, on Friday, April 12th […]

Public talk “Preserving the Endangered” (All Students)

The Peter Wall Institute is hosting a talk on April 9th at 4:00 pm with Dr. Nelias Susana Dias at the MOA entitled, “Preserving the Endangered”. For more details, please see https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3542

LIBR 579G Summer 2013 Term 2 – New Class Dates and Times (All Students)

There is a new instructor, Reto Tschan, who will be teaching LIBR 579G this summer session 2013, Term 2. The new dates and times are Mondays and Wednesdays evening from 6:00 pm – 8:50 pm.  Starting July 3rd to August 7th.

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