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ALA seeks candidates for Google Policy Fellowship (MLIS, Dual)

We are pleased to participate in the Google Policy Fellows program for 2013. OITP began its participation at the program’s founding in 2008 and thus this will be our sixth year in this excellent initiative. Apply now: http://www.google.com/policyfellowship/. For the summer of 2013, the selected fellow will spend 10 weeks in residence at the ALA Washington […]

Summer Seminars in Prague and London (MLIS, Dual)

There are still a few openings left for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science (SILS)  summer seminars to Prague, Czech Republic and London, England. Set for May 19 to June 1, 2013, the two- week seminars offer an opportunity to gain an in-depth view of libraries and librarianship in […]

Students to CLA 2013 National Conference (MLIS, Dual)

Once again the Canadian Library Association is running its “Students to CLA Program” for the national conference to be held May 29-June 1 in Winnipeg, MB. CLA invites each school to nominate a representative; each representative is asked to work 4 to 6 hours a day in a variety of conference activities. CLA provides a […]

Artona Grad Photos For 2013 SLAIS Grads – Photo Date Extension (All Students)

Artona grad photos for 2013 SLAIS grads: appointments are available until April 30.   Book online here: http://ubc-lias.artona.timetrade.com/ Book now for your preferred time and to make it on the official 2012-2013 composite. Questions? Please contact us below: www.artonagroup.com/faq csr@artonagroup.com 604-872-7272

BC Libraries Cooperative – Open Data Camp (MLIS, Dual)

Come together this March for Data Camp on Friday, March 15th, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm, at Lower Level, Vancouver Public Library Central Branch. Hosted by BC Libraries Cooperative, in Co-operation with the British Columbia Library Association Continuing Education Committee; Ministry of Education, Libraries and Literacy, and; Vancouver Public Library. Further details, please see http://bc.libraries.coop/open/datacamp/

Travel Support for ACA Conference – Call for applications (MAS, Dual)

This is a call for students who wish to apply for travel support to attend the ACA conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba (June 13-15, 2013).   In expectation that ACA will again this year, as it did last year, provide additional travel support  to students presenting in the student session, we will follow the procedure adopted last […]

Reminder of 31 March Deadline For the CLA Student Article Award (MLIS, Dual)

The contest is open to all students registered in, or recently graduated from, a Canadian library school, a library technician program, an information science program (including distance education programs), or faculty of education library program. Registered students may be full or part time; graduates should have completed their studies within one year of the competition’s […]

Follow Up – Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL/ACBD) Student Member Services Survey (MLIS, Dual)

Thank you to those who completed The Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL/ACBD) Member Survey last week.  For those who have not had a chance there is still time: we have extended the survey’s completion date to March 13, 2013. CALL/ACBD is a national organization that represents the interests of law libraries and of law […]

Resume Clinic + This Week’s 3MT Heats (All Students)

Registration is now open for: Resume Clinic  @The Fred Kaiser Building, 2332 Main Mall, Point Grey Campus Wednesday, March 13, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm For complete session information, see http://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/7728-gpscareer-services-event-resume-cover-letter-clinic To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g23e1 The Three Minute Thesis Competition continues this week with the following heats: Tuesday, March 5th @ 4:00PM Political Science […]

Royal Museums Greenwich UK Paid Internships in the History of Science and Technology

Deadline Monday 22nd April.www.rmg.co.uk/researchers/fellowships-and-internships/intern-programme/ For those considering further research at university, they offer the chance to try out a subject or an approach. The main emphasis will be on the collections,the primary focus will be on the use of artifacts for research.

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