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UBC Student Librarian Jobs – Brown Bag Information Session – March 5, 2014

A group of UBC Librarians representing various branches of the UBC Library will be hosting SLAIS students for a Brown Bag Information Session about upcoming Student Librarian job postings at the University.


March 5, 2014
12pm – 1pm
Dodson Room, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

The session will provide a general overview about student librarian positions at UBC Library and the hiring process for positions for the September 2014-April 2015 academic year.

Representatives from a number of UBC branch libraries will speak briefly about the positions they have available for students. There will be an opportunity for students to ask questions at the end.

Note: this session will not cover every student librarian position available through the library. Other positions come up throughout the year.

Any questions can be directed to Dan Slessor, Student Services Coordinator, at dan.slessor@ubc.ca

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