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The Perils and Pleasures of Digital Scholarship, April 15 at Green College

Emerging Visions: Digital Media and Culture

Archive, Edition or Research Environment? The Perils and Pleasures of Digital Scholarship

Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, English, Ryerson University; Constance Crompton, Critical Studies, UBC-Okanagan
Coach House, Green College, 6201 Cecil Green Park Road, UBC
Tuesday, April 15, 5-6:30 pm, reception to follow, all welcome

This presentation reflects on the practical challenges of online scholarly resource development, using The Yellow Nineties Online (a website dedicated to British publications in the 1890s) as a case study, showing how digitalization, encoding, peer review, and publication both extend and challenge the traditional conceptions of the archive and scholarly edition. See other speakers in this series here.

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