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FAFLRT Scholarship Nominations: Deadline is April 29, 2014

The Federal and Armed Forces Libraries Round Table (FAFLRT) Awards Committee is now accepting applications for the Federal Librarians Cicely Phippen Marks Scholarship which is given to a library school student who has an interest in working in a Federal library. The student will receive a scholarship award of $1,500.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must be full or part-time students at the time of application
  • Students who are currently enrolled in any ALA-accredited library school
  • Students who have not already earned an ALA accredited degree
  • Students who have expressed an interest in some aspect of Federal librarianship

To Apply:

  • Complete an online nomination form, visit:   http://www.ala.org/faflrt/nominationstudentform
  • Letter of reference from a FAFLRT member, Federal librarian, library employer, a library school professor, etc. should be emailed to the Awards Committee Chair in support of an application.

The deadline for submissions is midnight Tuesday, April 29, 2014. 

FAFLRT Awards Committee:

Marla Chesler, Chair, CheslerMW@state.gov  | 202-647-2739
Katie Rapp, rapp.mls@gmail.com
Bianna Ine-Ryan Bianna.Ine-Ryan@dodiis.mil


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