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Curious About The College Libraries Section?

Join the CLS Virtual Membership Meeting, Wednesday, May 28th at 1 pm CDT.

Would you like to learn more about the College Libraries Section?
Are you Interested in getting involved with CLS and wondering how to start?
Are you curious about CLS programs taking place during the ALA Annual Conference?
Would you like to share your ideas with CLS Leadership?

Please join CLS Chair Sally Gibson and members of the CLS Executive Committee on Wednesday, May 28th at 1 pm CDT via Adobe Connect to learn more about the benefits of CLS membership and how easy it is to get involved.

To access the meeting on May 28th, click on the following link: http://ala.adobeconnect.com/r6gku2g6jim/ Once you enter Adobe Connect (sign in as a guest — no log-in is needed), you will need to click on the speaker and microphone icons to activate — both need to be GREEN.
Please contact CLS Membership Committee Chair Kim Copenhaver copenhka@eckerd.edu and CLS Vice Chair Elect Sally Bryant Sally.Bryant@pepperdine.edu with any questions. We look forward to sharing the benefits of CLS membership with all attendees.

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