July 2014
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iConference 2015 Submission Call
Location: Newport Beach, California Venue: Newport Beach Marriott Hotel & Spa Date: March 24-27, 2015 Host: University of California, Irvine: The Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences ConfTool Submission Site: https://www.conftool.com/iConference2015/ We are now ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS for iConference 2015. Click here to visit our secure submission site. For more information, visit the submission […]
Information literacy and employability literature review – new on the SCONUL website
Dear Colleagues I am pleased to let you know about some new information on the SCONUL website, which has been produced on behalf of the SCONUL Strategy Group on User Experience and Success. This is a literature review on the contribution of information literacy and libraries to the development of graduate employability skills, produced by […]
Maureen Woods Education Bursary Call for Applications
The Saskatchewan Library Association (SLA) is pleased to accept applications for the Maureen Woods Education Bursary. This bursary was made possible by the generous donation of the Saskatchewan Provincial Library and Literacy Office, Saskatchewan Ministry of Education and through the efforts of the Multitype Library Board and the Saskatchewan Library Association. The bursary was established […]
Vancouver Program – Project Management for Information Professionals
Project Management for Information Professionals At the 2014 Annual Conference, SLA President Kate Arnold identified project management skills as a key competency for today’s information professional. While most of us are actively involved in project work, few possess formal training. This interactive workshop will introduce the key elements of project management. Participants will leave with […]
ALC 2015 Call for Proposals
The Alberta Library Conference (ALC) 2015 Planning Committee, with support from the Library Association of Alberta (LAA) and the Alberta Library Trustees Association (ALTA), is pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the 2015 Alberta Library Conference is open. ALC 2015 takes place in Jasper, Alberta April 30 to May 3, 2015. The […]
CANVAS Conference at UBC – FREE for university students & faculty – July 28-August 1st, 2014
We cordially invite you to join us for CANVAS 2014, the Canadian Visual Analytics School. This is a five-day conference event, providing people with the opportunity to network and learn about cutting-edge visual analytics research and its applications in the field. Where: University of British Columbia, Forestry Sciences When: July 28-August 1st, 2014 Cost: FREE […]
ASIS&T Sig/Met Student Paper contest
2014 ASIS&T SIG/MET Student Paper Contest Are you tired of preparing papers which immediately migrate into your professors’ files and have not been seen ever since? Recover your papers and give them a life and a great opportunity for yourself. Send your most promising papers to the 2014 ASIST SIG/MET Student paper contest where you […]
Graduate Pathways to Success Opportunities: Essentials of Productive Teams Workshop and Orientation Volunteering
Registration is now open for: GPS/Mitacs Step Workshop: Essentials of Productive Teams (formerly Managing Projects) Tuesday, July 29, 2014, 9:00am – 5:00 pm (Graduate Student Centre) For a session description, please visit: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/11539-gpsmitacs-step-event-essentials-productive-teams To register, see: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3660 New Graduate Student Orientation, hosted by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, International Student Development, and the Graduate Student Society […]
Association of Canadian Archivists 2015 Conference Updates
The Call for Submissions 2015 is now open; to view the Call document or complete a submission, click on this URL: http://archivists.ca/content/whats-new The ACA is pleased to advise that negotiations have been concluded for the hosting of the next two conferences, in 2016 and 2017. The locations, facilities and dates are: 2016 Montreal, QC […]
New 1-Credit course in Term 1 (September – December) [MLIS, Dual Students]
LIBR 539I: Business Online Research is a hands-on course in learning online research techniques. Factiva, Lexis Nexis, Thomson ONE are few of the examples of sources covered in this course. Common business terminologies will be covered. Although geared towards business research, the techniques are relevant to non-business applications. The course would be useful for students […]