The Alberta Library Conference (ALC) 2015 Planning Committee, with support from the Library Association of Alberta (LAA) and the Alberta Library Trustees Association (ALTA), is pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the 2015 Alberta Library Conference is open. ALC 2015 takes place in Jasper, Alberta April 30 to May 3, 2015.
The ALC 2015 theme is #network. On its own, the word network has many meanings for libraries. The hashtag (#) takes this year’s theme to a different level. By the simple act of adding a hashtag to a word or phrase, it becomes searchable on social media, organized by subject or topic, and, if promoted by enough individuals, can “trend” and attract more people to the discussion. What are your strategies for building networks in your library and community groups? What role do libraries play in creating and facilitating community conversations? What are the important social trends that are impacting and shaping the service you design and provide? The #network theme also encompasses the personal networks we form. How does personal networking help improve your library and your life? For example, what kind of networking takes place at this conference and how does it benefit our libraries?
The Committee strives to provide a range of sessions that are of interest to the broader library community in Alberta. Proposals from small rural libraries to large academic institutions demonstrate the complexity of librarianship as well as the adaptability and diversity of those who work within them. We encourage proposals from academic, public, school and special libraries of all sizes for consideration to present at the conference.
We are interested in receiving proposals from trustees for sessions which will provide education and training for Library Board members. If you are a public librarian, please share this call for submissions with your Board. In addition, if trustees have suggestions for speakers or topics of interest to trustees, they are invited to send them to Dr. Tanya Pollard to see if a session can be developed.
If you would like to be part of our program focused on examining and expanding our networks and exploring some the many possibilities for connections facilitated by libraries through our people, services and spaces, please submit your proposal at Alberta Library Conference 2014 Call for Session Proposals
Submission deadline is September 30, 2014
ALC Chair (2015):
• Lisa Hardy
Program Co-Chairs:
• Lisa Hardy for LAA
• Dr. Tanya Pollard for ALTA
Questions may be addressed to ALC Chair, Lisa Hardy.
Thank you for your interest in the Alberta Library Conference.
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