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July 2014

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AMIA 2014: Registration is Open!

AMIA 2014 October 8-11 . Savannah, Georgia The AMIA Annual Conference provides an opportunity for colleagues from around the world to meet, share information and work together. For newcomers to this dynamic and committed community, networking with other members and industry professionals is invaluable for professional development. Sessions and workshops provide a broad range of […]

Experiential Learning Postings [MAS, MLIS, Dual Students]

Hi all, I just want to remind everyone of some exciting placement opportunities that have recently been posted to the iSchool blog. Get experience while earning academic credit! Here’s are some current exciting postings: UBC Learning Exchange: Community engagement and collection development/curation in Vancouver’s Downtown East Side. Vancouver Sun: Conduct research and create a digital […]

Call for nominations for the 2013 Social Informatics Best Student Paper Award

The Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (SIG-SI) of the Association for Information Science and Technology and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) are seeking nominations for an award for the best paper written by a doctoral student on a topic informed by social informatics. Nominations may include a published paper in a […]

For students looking for work in the US Federal Government: Internet Tutorials and Information from USAJOBS

The following link is to a posting on the DMIL website to some internet tutorials and information from USAJOBS, which is the website for applying for work with the US Federal Government. http://military.sla.org/internet-tutorials-and-information-from-usajobs/ It links to resources created by USAJOBS to make applying for US Federal Government work easier.

New listserv for Research Data Management in Canada – CANLIB-DATA

From Eugene Barsky, UBC Research Data Librarian & iSchool Adjunct Professor: As we anticipate significant changes in funders’ requirements towards research data in Canada this year, we have created a new listserv with a purpose of serving as an electronic discussion list addressing issues related to research data in libraries, specifically in Canada. We called […]

Reminder Browser submission deadline July 10, 2014

A gentle reminder that the submission deadline for the BCLA Browser Vol. 6 No. 3 (Aug 2014), is July 10, 2014. If you have some news to spread, best practices to share, or a good story to tell, please consider making a submission. Submission details and guidelines can be found at http://bclabrowser.ca/index.php/browser/about/submissions. Please note that […]

GSIS/GSA Call for Abstracts

Please consider submitting an abstract for one of the Geoscience Information Society’s (GSIS) sessions at the Geological Society of America’s annual meeting, which will be held October 19 – October 22, 2014 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. This year GSIS is planning to have an oral technical session and a poster session around the theme of […]

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