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Competition Announcement: Premier Undergraduate and Westbrook Scholarships

The internal deadline for the following scholarships has been set at October 3, 2014. Please note that the following awards are part of a University-wide competition and are highly competitive.

To apply, please follow the directions found at the following link: http://students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards/premier-wesbrook

Questions can be directed to the iSchool Student Services Coordinator at ischool.ssc@ubc.ca

Award Number Details
C. K. Choi Scholarship 664 A $10,000 scholarship has been endowed by the Choi family. The award is open to students entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of Graduate Studies, or students in the Faculties of Medicine or Dentistry. The winner is selected by a special committee from among those candidates nominated by faculties and designated student organizations for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship. Candidates are expected to have good academic standing, and have demonstrated achievement in sports and participation in student and community activities. The award may be renewed for a second year provided the winner maintains scholarship standing.
Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship 551 To honour the memory of the late Chief Justice Sherwood Lett, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C., E.D., Q.C., B.A., LL.D., a scholarship of $5,000, has been endowed by alumni, faculty and staff, students, colleagues, and friends. The scholarship pays tribute to an outstanding graduate who rendered distinguished service to the University, to his profession and, both in war and peace, to his country. It is awarded to the candidate who most fully displays the all-round qualities exemplified by the late Sherwood Lett. The selection is made by a special committee, from candidates nominated by Faculties. In assessing the merits of candidates, the committee is concerned with qualifications such as those for which Sherwood Lett was distinguished-high scholastic and literary attainments, physical vigour (through active interest in sports), moral force of character, and ability to serve, work with, and lead others. To be eligible, a candidate must have attended The University of British Columbia for at least two winter sessions and rank academically in the top 10% of students in his or her year and Faculty. The award is open to students entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of graduate studies, or students in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Law. The award may be renewed for a second year provided the winner maintains scholarship standing.
John H. Mitchell Memorial Scholarship 655 A $10,000 scholarship was established by his family, as a tribute to John Hardie Mitchell, a 1924 graduate in Faculty of Arts. He devoted sixty-five years to developing the stevedoring business in British Columbia and was the owner and Chairman of the Board of Canadian Stevedoring Company Ltd. and Casco Terminals. The award is open to students entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of Graduate Studies, or students in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Law. The selection is made by a special committee from among those candidates nominated by faculties for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship. Candidates are expected to have good academic standing, and have demonstrated achievement in sports and participation in student and community activities.
Carl Bradford Robertson Scholarship 1441 Scholarships totalling $36,400 (or four scholarships of $9,100 each) have been endowed through a bequest from Edna Mary Robertson as a memorial to her late son. The scholarships are open to students entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of a graduate program, or in any year of an MD, DMD, or JD program. The winners are selected by a special committee from among those candidates nominated by faculties and designated student organizations for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship. Candidates are expected to have good academic standing, and have demonstrated achievement in sports and participation in student and community activities.
Harry Logan Memorial Scholarship and Harold B. & Nellie Boyes Memorial Scholarship 574 and 674 574: Harry Tremaine Logan (1887-1971), a graduate of McGill University, Rhodes Scholar, a graduate of Oxford University, and recipient in 1965 of the honorary degree of LL.D. from the University of B.C., joined the original Faculty of this University in 1915 after two years of teaching at McGill College. He taught in the Department of Classics, of which he was Head from 1949 to 1954, until his final retirement in 1967 at the age of eighty. His long career at the University was twice interrupted, first when he served in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada and the Canadian Machine Gun Corps (1915-1919), second when he became Principal of Prince of Wales Fairbridge Farm School at Duncan, B.C. (1936- 1946), and Secretary of the Fairbridge Society (1946-1949). His was a remarkable career: he held each academic rank, he helped to draw up the constitution of the Alma Mater Society, he participated in the Great Trek (1922), he sat as a member of Senate for twenty-four years and of the Board of Governors for five, he edited The Alumni Chronicle, he wrote the official history of the University (Tuum Est, 1958) and was named a Great Trekker by the Students in 1960. He was one of the outstanding teachers and to thousands of men and women he was teacher and adviser and friend. His interest in the affairs of the University remained all-encompassing until the day of his death. His many students and friends have contributed from all over the world to a fund that will produce a scholarship in honour of a teacher and a gentleman. A $1,150 scholarship is awarded by the Committee to a student with a good academic standing, achievement in sport, and participation in other student activities. The award is open to students entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of Graduate Studies, or students in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Law. The winner will normally be selected from candidates nominated for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship and will also receive the Harold B. and Nellie Boyes Memorial Scholarship of $2,050.


674: Scholarships have been endowed by Winnifred E. Boyes to honour her parents Harold B. and Nellie Boyes. The awards are offered to students in any year or Faculty. Each year up to $6,100 is designated as an award for the recipient of the Harry Logan Memorial Scholarship.

Thelma Sharp Cook Scholarship 1419 A $5,500 scholarship has been endowed for a student entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of Graduate Studies, or enrolled in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Law. The selection is made by a special committee from those candidates nominated by faculties for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship. Nominees are expected to have good academic standing, have demonstrated achievement in athletics, and have shown leadership through participation in student, community and service activities. Preference is given to aboriginal candidates or to those planning a career involving work with children or youth.
HSBC Emerging Leader Scholarship 1404 Five (5) scholarships valued at $5,000 each have been endowed by HSBC Bank Canada and The University of British Columbia for continuing students in any discipline.  The criteria for selection of these scholarships include leadership, community service, participation in local and/or global communities, and high academic achievement.
Amy E. Sauder Scholarship and Jean Craig Smith Scholarship 595 and 531 595: A scholarship of $1,500 is awarded to a student entering the penultimate or final year of a baccalaureate program, the first year of Graduate Studies, or students in the Faculties of Medicine or Dentistry. The candidate chosen will combine good academic standing with participation in student activities. The award has been made possible by a bequest from the late Amy E. Sauder and by contributions from the Sauder Foundation. The recipient of the Amy E. Sauder Scholarship will also receive the Jean Craig Smith Scholarship.


531: A scholarship of $675 endowed through a bequest from the late Jean Mclntosh Smith, is awarded to a student in any year and faculty. Selection of the winner is made on the basis of academic ability, character and personal qualities, participation in community and student affairs, and evidence of leadership. The winner will normally be selected from candidates nominated for the Sherwood Lett Memorial Scholarship.




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