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Call for Proposals: Opportunity for Students and Recent Grads 31 Oct – 4 Nov, 2014

Call for Student and Recent Graduate Proposals Digital Liaisons: Building Communities and Empowering Culture through Digital Libraries

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Friday, September 19, 2014

ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION: Monday, September 29, 2014

The Special Interest Group for Digital Libraries (http://www.asis.org/sig/sigdl) of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) is seeking proposals from students and recently graduated professionals (having graduated May 2012 or later) for a student panel at the ASIS&T 2014 Annual Meeting in Seattle on October 31 – November 4, 2014.

This session is intended to provide students and recent graduates with an opportunity to present their work during the ASIST annual conference on areas of interest relevant to information and knowledge management. The session will also serve as a social meeting point to facilitate networking between students, faculty, and professionals. Note: Presenters do not have to attend the conference in order to qualify. To accommodate individuals who cannot attend the conference, we are accepting pre-made video presentations and mailed-in posters. All abstracts, presentation media, and posters will be published on the SIG DL website after the conference.



Poster and lightning talk presentation proposals should focus on innovative projects that explore digital libraries through topics concerning community and/or culture, in keeping with this year’s ASIS&T annual meeting theme. Proposals may include, but are not limited to, past research, case studies, and current projects on areas such as social network analysis, linked data, open access and new publishing models, crowdsourcing, big data, digital humanities, citizen science, or other projects falling within the panel’s theme. (The list is meant to be illustrative, not prescriptive.)


Who is Eligible?

Submissions can be made as a single author or a group of authors, including collaborations between students or recent graduates from different institutions. Student ASIST chapters are particularly encouraged to submit a poster as a group. Authors do NOT need to be members of ASIS&T. However, they must pay for the conference registration fee and related expenses if attending in person. Students and recent graduates are encouraged to consult faculty and professional mentors but should not allow them to be a significant contributor to the content. All research is expected to be purely the students’ or recent graduates’ work and could include coursework, internship experiences, work related experience, and independent interests, including theses or other capstone projects.


Selection Criteria

Up to 10 posters and 5 lightning talk proposals will be accepted for the panel session. Poster submissions must include an abstract of no less than 250 words and a one page storyboard or mockup of the poster. Lightning talk submissions must include a two page paper using the ASIST short paper template available at https://www.asis.org/asist2014/AM14ProceedingsFormat.pdf. Students should indicate whether they will be present at the conference and which format they plan to present. Both posters and lightning talk proposals will be selected based on the following criteria: relevance of topics to the Digital Liaisons session and SIG DL mission, feasibility of presentation within a compressed format, and originality of research.



The following awards will be given at the session.

● $300 for the best paper

● $150 for the best poster

● $100 for honorable mention paper

● $100 for honorable mention poster


Submission and Deadline

Authors are invited to submit proposals by filling out a form at http://tinyurl.com/k85n3ad anytime until 11:59 pm EST, September 19, 2014. Selections will be made by a panel of judges. If you have any questions, please email Holley Long at holley.long@colorado.edu.

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