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BCLA Mentorship, Fall 2014 Session

Applications for the Fall 2014 session of BCLA’s Mentorship Program are now live: https://bclaconnect.ca/?page_id=928

Why Mentor?

Connect with a new colleague, share your experience, and learn something new! Mentors have told us how rewarding they find the program, sharing with new grads, helping to open doors, and learning about new areas of the profession.

Need a Mentor?

If you are new or returning to the field, connecting with a more experienced colleague can give you great perspective on the profession. Mentors provide a valuable sounding board and professional connection.

Should I apply?

We need great mentors and mentees, from library directors to library assistants. Please read more about what makes a great mentor/mentee, and more details about the program: https://bclaconnect.ca/?page_id=928

Applications close Sept 21.


Tamarack, for BCLA Mentorship

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