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Our First YOUNG ADULT AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES Meeting of the year!

Welcome old and new friends to a new school year at SLAIS!

Our first YAACS (Young Adult and Children’s Services) meeting will be next Wednesday, September 10th @ 1pm in the Trail Room off the SLAIS lounge.

For the first meeting, if everyone could bring a copy of their favourite children’s or YA book (whether its from childhood or just your favourite at the moment) we can share them all as a group and get to know each other better that way! If you don’t have a copy of your favourite book, the UBC Education library houses a great collection of children’s and YA books, or you can just have a title in mind to discuss without a physical copy.

Also, for those of you who like to plan ahead, I’ve already booked the monthly meetings for the whole term so you can add them to your calenders now:

  • Wednesday, September 10 @1-2pm
  • Wednesday, October 8 @1-2pm
  • Wednesday, November 12 @12-1pm (note that this meeting is at 12 instead of 1 like all the other ones)
  • Wednesday, December 3 @1-2pm


All meetings will take place in the Trail Room. I will send out reminders via at least one of the following: email, Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/655417097801631/ OR search YAACS @ UBC) or Twitter (@ubcyaacs).

See you next week!
Laura MacDonald

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