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Community Engaged Learning: Meet and Greet for SLAIS Students

Community Engaged Learning: What’s in it for SLAIS Students? 

Curious about Community Engaged Learning (CEL)?  Want to explore its potential for SLAIS? Join us for the conversation.

Our agenda includes guests from the Centre for Community Engaged Learning (CCEL) at UBC who will talk about the role of community engaged learning in higher education, and from community groups who will discuss the potential impact of CEL on their organizations.

Date: Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Time: 12-1:30pm

Venue: Room 461, IKBLC

There will be lunch!  RSVP to h.obrien@ubc.ca to reserve a place at the table.

For further information please contact Dr. Heather O’Brien (h.obrien@ubc.ca).

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