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Art Libraries Society of North America Announces the 2015 Gerd Muehsam Award

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) sponsors the annual Gerd Muehsam Award, recognizing excellence in a graduate student paper or project on a topic relevant to art librarianship. ARLIS/NA established the award to honor the memory of Gerd Muehsam (1913-1979), distinguished scholar, teacher, and art bibliographer, whose support of and dedication to ARLIS/NA was an inspiration to her colleagues and students.

Graduate students must have created the project or written the paper during the preceding 18 months while enrolled in an accredited graduate library program or in a post-graduate library school program in art history or a related discipline
The paper or project must be in conjunction with a course assignment
One submission is allowed per person or group

Required Format
Papers: The paper must be 10-25 pages, typed, double-spaced on single sides of 8.5 x 11 inch paper. The paper must include an abstract of 250 words. The title page must include a paper title, the name of the entrant and the institution attended, the name of the faculty member for whom it was written, and the course title. Applicant name and information should appear only on the title page. The bibliography and footnotes should follow an accepted format, such as the Chicago Manual of Style or The Elements of Style by Strunk and White. For group projects, all participant names and assigned roles should be included on the title page. In addition, authors must inform the committee chair if their contribution has been published previously or is being considered for publication.
Internet projects: If an Internet project, a 250-word summary of the project, its URL, the name of the institution and course for which it was created, and the name of the faculty member assigning the project must be included. It must also be accessible to all of the committee members for review.
All applicants must include their mailing addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers with their applications.

Judging Criteria
Papers and projects will be judged on their relevance to art librarianship or visual curatorship, depth of research and scholarship, quality of organization, appropriate use of terminology, style and readability, and originality of thought or observation.

Entries must be postmarked or emailed by 5:00 P.M., PST, on Friday, December 5, 2014. They will not be returned. All applicants should receive notification of the results by February 15, 2015.

Please Address and Mail or Email Entries To:

Alan Michelson, Chair, Gerd Muehsam Award Committee, alanmich@uw.edu Head, Built Environments Library, University of Washington Libraries

Gerd Muehsam Award Web Announcement 2014_2015

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